Meeting the twins

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Two years ago

"But Jess I don't want to go." "Eclipse if you want to become the next beta you have to start going to training."

"But.." "No buts Eclipse your going and that's final." I dashed from the couch and up the stairs as quickly as possible.

Don't get me wrong I love my brother but sometimes he's a ässhole. "Eclipse open up I'm sorry but everything I'm doing is for you I've made a promise to mom and dad and I'm not breaking it."

I headed towards my closet and grabbed one of my suitcase from the top of my closest. Once I got it down and immediately started to pack as much clothes as I could.

I grabbed all of my pictures of my family and friends I left all of my jewelry there because what will I need it for. As soon as I leave my pack I'll become rogues so theres no point.

Once I was packed I exited my window and threw my suitcase down first then I jumped. When I hit the ground I made a run for it without looking back.

Twenty minutes later I finally made it to the boarder line that separates my pack from others. When I crossed the line I finally felt like I was free like all my problems vanished it was lifted off of my shoulders.

I soon as I got over I shifted into my wolf form and began running as fast as possible faster than I've ever ran before.

Once I knew I was far enough I slowed my pace then stopped and rested by a near by tree. Still in my wolf from I started to close my eyes when I heard swigs snap and leaves crunching.

Immediately got into a defense position. I let a loud growl out to warn them not to come any closer. About five minutes three males emerged from the woods into the clearing.

"Shift!" The one that said it had beach blonde hair big circle eyes that could make you fall for him and a strong jawline and you could tell his power was high.

Not higher than an alpha but still he's a high rank due to him being a beta and the one on his left and right were twins with black hair the left one had hazel eyes and the other had gray you can't really tell them apart unless your close to them but from were I was laying the one on the right had a small cut on his cheek.

"Look I'm not going to ask again rogue." Phoenix growled at him calling her a rogue. And he smirk which I found was really attractive.

The twin on the left took off his shirt and walked towards me setting his shirt down and gave me a smile. Once I know that they wasn't following me a turned my back but kept my guard up one thing I've learnt in my battles is never let your guard down I had to learn that the hard way.

I found a tree big enough to cover my body and thought about my human form from my dark red hair passed my blue and yellow eyes and my cuts on my left eye and my 5'3 height and my small hourglass figure.

I pulled his shirt over my head and walked back to them still standing there. The blonde started talking again. "What's your name?" "Do you ever stop talking?"

Dämn it Phoenix stop talking your going to get me killed. "Excuse me?" "Look I don't like you already and frankly speaking I know if I stay here your going to be a pain in my arse."

I turned to the twin on the left and smiled. "What's your name?" "Aiden Smith and yours?" "Eclipse Knight." "What pack are you from?"

"I don't have one but anyways what pack is this?" "Look rogue.." I let out a loud growl and felt my eyes change. Well he did it Phoenix is out.

"I fücking swear on my humans soul I will torture you then chain you up to one of these tree and cut each hand every finger and toe off and then move up to your pretty little teeth and yank them all out then next would be your tongue. So call me a rogue again and I'll show you one."
He quickly nodded and Aiden started laughing which earned him a growl from the blonde which caused me to growl at him.

"Hey Lee are you coming to the pack with us?" "Lee?" "Uh yeah do you not like it?" "No I love it De." He turned his head to hide his blush from me.

"Aiden I informed Alpha about our new arrival he wants her in his office when we get to the pack house." Aiden's brother walked up to me when the blonde was further in front of us.

"I'm sorry for earlier for not introducing myself but Ethan can be a real arsehole, my name is Bellamy, Bellamy Smith the better looking one and smarter one."

"Bellamy she doesn't care she likes me more." "Now now Aiden Bellamy's cute too." "Lee your not supposed to say that I gave you a nickname Bellamy didn't give you nothing thats not fair." Bellamy went over and picked a white rose and gave it to me and pecked me on my cheek.

I couldn't say nothing just smile. I looked at Aiden and I thought I seen smoke come out his ears. Aiden and Bellamy were arguing the whole way to there pack house I found it quite funny.

Once we were in the pack house they immediately shut up I looked at them with a questionable face Bellamy seen me staring and answered before Aiden. "Alpha's orders love."

We got into the elevator and suddenly I got drowsy Bellamy was closer to me so I laid my head on his shoulder and he insisted that I get on his back so I wouldn't fall. I looked at Aiden and he nodded his head cause I didn't want them to argue.

Bellamy bent down so I could climb up on his tall frame. Once I was on he stood up and I got comfortable and wrapped my hands around his neck. The elevator stopped at 4 and we walked out and up to a door the big wooden door Ethan knocked and a deep voice came from the other side.

There was a man had brown hair light brown eyes sharp jawline sitting in a spiny chair behind a desk with a female that looked like a whore. Bellamy walked over to the chair and set me in it and stood beside me. "What's your name ro..."

Ethan stopped him quickly. "Alpha her name is Eclipse Knight." "Why did you cross onto my land?" "Just passing through nothing more." "What pack are you from?" "None."

He stared at me for a moment until he spoke. "I will send someone to show you where you will be sleeping." "I'm fine thats not necessary." "What do you mean?" "I will be sleeping in Bellamy's room."

"No we have plenty of rooms for you to sleep in Ethan send Eclipse to room 308." "Yes alpha." "Bellamy can I stay with you?" "Sure." "So it's settled but wait I never got your name." "Justin Johnson." I nodded and followed Bellamy to his room.

"Here you can sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the couch." "Its your bed you can sleep in it I'm not going to take it I'll just move to the couch." "No." "Look its either I sleep on the couch or on the couch."

"We aren't even together yet and your already trying to argue with me." "Shut up just get in the bed there's enough room for both of us." He walked to the closest and pulled out some sweat pants.

"Here you can sleep in these and we can go shopping tomorrow." I quickly slipped them on and laid down. "Goodnight Bell." "Goodnight Eli."

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