Joseph: Saying goodbye. ~Emily

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  • Dedicated to the one you had to say goodbye to

              She's loved no one but him. He's been her whole world. And against all odds they ended up together. No matter how many times they were forced to say goodbye, they would always find their way back to one another. This time they've set out on a camping trip. No adults, no girl, well except her, of course. But what will happen when everything goes wrong? Will they end up saying their last goodbyes?



               I woke to the cold of a fall night, water dripping on my face. I opened my eyes and looked around. A drop of water hit me again and I looked up. My small yellow tent had torn a whole in the roof, letting the hard rain from outside in.

               I slumped back down in my sleeping bag, pulling it far over my head. That stopped the wet for a while until it leaked through the bag and began soaking me again. I groaned as I crawled out of it and threw it aside. By myself in a small tent, wet in fall, awake in the middle of the night.

              This is stupid, I thought pulling my legs in close. I agreed to go on this camping trip to spend time with Joseph. I hadn't seen him in so long. I remember the last time we were torn apart.

One year ago:

             Three weeks, I think to myself. We've been together for three weeks. I walked up my house steps and opened the door to see him sitting on my coach. A smile stretched across my face.

            "Hey," I said walkeing to him. He didnt speak, "Whats wrong?" I asked sitting by his side.

            "I'm moving away." he finally said 

            "Away?" I asked "How far away?"

            "To far."

Present day:

             That wasn't the first time we had been separated, it had happened before. I feel like we're always saying goodbye.

             Another drop hit me and I couldn't take it anymore. Maybe it wouldn't have be so bad if I hadn't been the only girl on the trip. But of course I was. Just me and the other guys. If I hadn't been the only one getting soaked in the cold, it would have been different, but I was so I unzipped my tent and ran through the pouring rain and straight into the guys tent. On my way in I, very gracefully, tripped over all the guys. They woke up, you know, after I stepped on them. Two heads popped up immediately.

            "Sorry." I said with a sheepish smile.

            "Its fine." They all responded, then we all realized Joseph was gone. No one knew where he was. So we all took a flashlight and went looking for him.

          The second we knew he was gone my heart had filled with worry. I ran down a path in the woods. My eyes searched  left and right for any sign of him. They searched trying to see through the dark of the night and the vail of the rain.

           I went about a mile down the same path and right when I was about to turn back I heard a loud groaning coming from not to far away. I shinned my light in the direction of the noise. Down a small hill, lying on the ground, clutching their leg for dear life, was Joseph.

           "Joseph!" I called his name as I ran to him. I fell to my knees when I reached his side "Whats wrong?" I asked

           "I'm hurt," he said "my leg." I let my eyes wonder to his leg. He had had a huge cut from his hip to his knee.

            "What happened?" I asked, tears filling my eyes.

            "Couldn't sleep, went for a walk, sliped, fell down hill." Was all he could choke out. His face was pale, he was shaking.

            "How long have you been here?" I asked,

            "A few hours." I looked down at his puddle of blood I was sitting in. 

            "Can you move your leg?" he shook his head. I thought for a minuet. Well I had to get him back to the camp site. We couldn't sit there all night.

           "Then I'll just have to carry you." I said putting his arm around my neck.

           "You cant carry me." He said a matter-of-factly.

           "I can try. It's better than doing nothing."

           "No, it's not. Your going to hurt yourself. I'm two times your size."

           "Me? Your worried about me? Your the one bleeding to death." I said trying to lift him.

           "Exactly." He breathed, out of breath. I froze and looked down on his face. His black hair was stuck to his face with rainwater and his stormy grey eyes looked just like the sky.

          "What do you mean?" I asked,

          "I mean, I've lost to much blood. There's not enough time to go get someone and you cant carry me. I'm going to die."

           Now there was not stopping the tears, "No, you won't. I won't let you."

          "You cant stop it. I probably have a minuet left in me. Do you want to sped it fighting?"

           I shook my head and feel into his open arms, "I love you." he said.

          "I love you too." I said.

           We sat in silence for about thirty seconds and then he said "I have to go now."

           I looked at him, "Please don't leave me." I said through tears.

           He looked down at me, "I have too," he said. "goodbye." I watched as he took his last breath and closed his eyes for the last time, then he was dead.

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