Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Scarlett's POV

Hint: Flashback/Nightmare

I poked his nose. Nothing. I blew air in his hear. Nada. I kissed his juicy lips and he moved his own at the same pace as mine. Men.

"Is there a reason you're awake at four in the morning, Scarlett?"

I laughed, it's funny watching him all grumpy and stuff, "Yes, but don't freak out."


Here we go, "My water broke." His eyes openned as wide as they could and he bolted off the bed so fast that he tripped with the bed sheets. I knew he was going to react like this, that's why I already send Marla a text to pick us up.

"Oh my god! Okay. We need to get dress, get the baby bag, money, cellphones. The camara! I almost forgot the camara! Scarlett, where are my car keys? We are not going to make it, then I'm going to deliver him and then something is going to go wrong, and then-"

"Connor, honey, please calm down. Go get dressed. Everything is packed in the baby bag, which is by the door. I already called Marla and she's going to take us to the hospital."

"No time to dress. Let's go."

"Connor, you only have boxers on." I mentally visualized him naked.

"Crap." He immediately put a pair of pants and a wife beater on.

"Ready, let's go." He grabbed my hand at the wrong time because a contraction made it's way making me crush Connor's hand. "Ow! Honey, my hand!" I was going through one of the most painful experiences and he was worry about his hand? Scarlett, those are hormones speaking, be nice to your husband.

I took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, babe." At that moment, we heard the honk of a car and we made our way to Marla's car. "Hey, sis."

"Scarlett, are you okay? How long are the contractions? Did you let the hospital know?" As much as I loved Marla, she was as annoying as her twin brother. You would think they can handle these kind of emergencies working at the hospital and all, but no.

I was about to answer her questions when Connor interrupted me by telling Marla to drive already. For a minute I forgot I was going into labor, so I was thankful for Connor's interruption.

The contractions came at full force by the time we made it to the hospital. Connor had to carry me inside the hospital, then placed me down in a wheel chair once we were in. By then I was panting, sweating, and screaming, all because of the pain.

Once inside our designated labor room, my appointed doctor checked how much I have dilated. He told I was eight centimeters dilated, so I was close to reach ten and needed to wait for a little bit. It took me an hour to reach ten centimeters! But I was glad it did not take much longer than that, or else I would probably have murdered someone.

I decided to have natural birth without the epidural, but it hurt like a bitch! "Someone please take this baby out of me!"

Connor's voice was trying to be smoothing, and instead irritated the hell out of me. "Honey, just breath. One, exhale, two, exhale, three, exhale..."

I was thankful when the doctor took me into the delivery room. Connor was holding my hand the whole way, making eye contact the entire time, and I couldn't have wished for a better supporter than my husband.

But when I looked away from his gaze just to see what was happening at front, I turned back to look at my husband and he completely disappeared. "Connor? Connor! Where are you?"

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