The Lion&The Lamb

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Chapter 1: Why

New school. New country. New everything, all because of a mistake. It all started when my father began staying out late on "business." strange men started coming 'round. About a month ago In the middle of the night I heard some arguing coming from downstairs followed by gunshots. My mother and I ran down the stairs to find my father lying on the ground covered in blood. He began coughing. Using any bit of energy left in him to say 'sorry' and 'to go as far away as possible' my mother sobbed loudly holding my dying father in her arms. When the police came It was a total mess. My mother refused to let go of my fathers lifeless body, but eventually they forced her too. And now. Here we were. Ireland. Mullingar to be exact. Halfway around the world. We've been here about 2 weeks. I haven't gone out. I haven't made friends. The only time I left my house was to go to the store. Today was the first day of school and no matter how bad I pleaded I wasn't able to miss out. My mom dropped me off at the front of the school. Right away I got death stares from everyone around. Was it my cloth. Was it my hair? Whatever, I brushed it off and walked to central office. I explained that I was new and they greeted me and gave me the class schedule. The bell rang and I rushed to home room. I sat in the very back not wanting to draw attention to myself. "Lacey Garza" the teacher called out my name. I raised my hand. "Here" my American accent echoed through the silent room and everyone turned to look at me. "Very well. Niall Horan?" The teacher asked. All the girls giggled. And smiled at each other. "Not here? Ok" the teacher kept calling row until the last person. "I'm passing out some handouts that will help me get to know you better" he explained. I looked at the dumb questions they were basic things. "I can not believe Niall Horan is in this class" the girl in front of me squealed. "Don't get your hopes up. He hasn't stepped foot in a class room since grade 9" Another one chimed in. "I hear he's in prison" another one stated. "Rubbish! I saw him just the other day" Just then another girl walked in. "Ah miss Edwards. Nice of you to join us" the blonde girl giggled and walked to the empty seat next to mine. "hello. I'm perrie. You're obviously new here since I haven't seen ya" "yeah. I'm Lacey" I introduced myself. We continued talking and I found out my schedule was identical to hers. First day and I already made a friend. Not too bad. The day went by quick and it was already time for lunch. She led me to a group of people. "Lacey, this is Harry, Louis Zayn and El. Guys this is Lacey. She's American" they all looked rather surprised, but were very welcoming. "So have you told her?" El asked out of no were. "Asked me what" I giggled. Everyone looked so serious my playful giggles turned into nervous chuckles. "There's only one thing that we need to warn you about Hun" perrie said. My heart began racing. "Just don't ever get anywhere near Niall Horan. Just don't. Don't ask why. Just know that you don't mess with him. Ever" perrie warned. "Who's that" I questioned the warning only made me curious. "It's better if you don't know" louis replied.

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