Wrong number

0 0 0

Okay so bod letters are th girl and slanyes is justins texts

My name is nicole Okay so feel really dumb I types this random number in my phone cause I'm going crazy and I really feel like I don't have any one and I'm going insane so typed this random ass number in my fucking phone to blow off steel! I feeling like I'm breathing my last breathe feeling like I'm walking my last steps.


Wtf I had no idea this was a number I'm so sorry

Bieber fever

Really I said nothing about him

You quotes his song to express how you feel to a unknown number that happen to be mine BIEBER !!!! FEVER !!!!!

Shut up!! Don't tease me! He's amazing


Cause he fucking is, he was this 12 year old kid that you guys took and tore apart now he feels like his some zoo animal and yall should feel ashamed of yourselfs I mean all he wanted was to make music. That's not hard to ask for! Then everyone fucks with him about all his many girls and Selena like yall FUCK OFF leave him the fuck alone I mean really god damn yall, and then he all these dumbass fan screaming at him bugging him all the time now he feels like we all like that hell never be able know the effect he has on me or anyone else that hos music helps through hard times, how I can relate to him sometimes or how he's so hot but that. Doesn't even matter him as person is what's important. And I wish I had the chance to tell him one on one in get to know him from his mouth

Bieber fever! Again!


Sorry but its just to hard to believe

Yeah I know thanks to stupid people like yall who made us look bad the ones who care and ya know idgaf if you believe me or not I do not care your lose not mine!

Your just a fan girl

No I don't want a picture, I don't wanna scream, or freak out or cry, I wanna chase him and I wanna do any of that, I don't want the whole world. To know I JUST MET BIEBER YAY! LIKE IDGAF ABOUT THE WHOLE WORLD I care about his feelings to they matter idgaf of he knows this and didn't believe me i would just hug him and keep being you and please don't give up don't you dare ever give it up cause your amazing not cause your Justin Bieber by cause your Justin and them id walk away with nothing to benefit me but knowing i hopefully put a smile on his face

Shit that's deep. What if freaks out or gets rude

I'd still stay by him always gave always will. Its hard what he does all those people judging you i understand what it feels like to have people judge you and it sucks so Il understand and forgive him

Wish there was more of you out there

Why you ain't Justin Bieber

No I'm not

Wait who are you

I don't wanna tell you will act differently

Just tell me you'll never know if you don't try. And life is to shirt to worry about stuff

(video of me saying you're name proving its me) I'm Justin Bieber

Was that so hard. And I put your name under James so people wont know (screenshot of name for proof) to respect your privacy but anyway glad I finally has a chance to tell you how I feel and to be fare here so you know I'm not some ole lady pedophile (picture of me)

Well I have to work but It was nice talking to you

Bye Justin

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