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Carlton was about to land, his feet sprung out of where ever he kept his feet and was about to land, and then his eyes noticed there was no bread, and Destiny Hope Cyrus was no where to be seen,

He spotted Tubby who for once was not eating, that was a bad sign, they squaked to each other and flapped there wings, They are getting rid of us, Tubby says. Where will we go, Carlton replies.

Ignecious had left and fled to Bray.

The seagulls where all leaving,

There was no bread left, Bread was food,

Food was good,

Food kept seagulls alive,

What;s that, Tubby says,

Carlton looks, the feeder girls are placing posters everywhere on the school, What does it say, Tubby asks, Carlton replies with, I can't read dude, I am a bird

TUbby replies with OH yeah, me too,

Then Carlton looks at the options, he is not going to stay,

"Stay" TUbby begs,

Carlton shakes his head and soars into the sky.

"Be brave little bird"

The Seagulls of IosagainWhere stories live. Discover now