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I apologize for not uploading a poem in quite some time. Sadly, I temporarily lost my inspiration to write any thing. However, my creativity is finally recovered and my poems will resume.  I hope all who reads my lovely random poems enjoy ^^

Preserve in the depth of the forgotten abyss

mellowing through its repetitive cycles

A shattered fragment crash and store away 

A presence unknown

quivering at its thoughts

bellyaching its past

Reliving the memories

engulfed in its sorrow

wallowing in self pity. 

The figure who weeps abaft doors

hiding its shame bestow upon it

cringe in its fear.

Shard alleviates its torment

towards the hill it travels 


tranquility plow the Earth


where security standby


to that unknown

An escape from itself

One countless suffers.

A question transcending

Is the battle against the world,

or one's self? 

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