Spyro The Dragon

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Sitting on the throne

Tail swaying side to side

Horn curved and cracked

teeth false and replaced

one eye sharp and alert

one eye blacken and covered

scales chipped and smooth

underside injured and bruised

This was not my life style I tell you

This is not what I choose

I used to be powerful and strong

Holding all of my might

I used to hold my head up high

Creatures knowing

The Pride of the Dragon

Deadly wings block the sun

Ashes covered the skies 

Fire raining down upon the land

Red, orange, and blue flames danced

but the black, the black flames controlled

A menacing laugh floating through the land

Creatures coward in fright

bowing down

heads held low

I am the ruler

I am the king

Your lives are now mine to command

Your fate seal

I controlled everything

I controlled ALL

Yet, a purple little dragon

rise above the sea

Spouting out flames of life

A counterattack you see

A foolish dragon defying 

The king of the land

A foolish dragon indeed

that will die by my claws

A battle erupted between him and I

losing his ground, falling back

A finishing blow

That will end it all

In the last second 

In a blink of an eye

A fire inside exploded 

A fire that kept him alive

The fire blinded me

blazing through my skin 

burning from the inside out

laying in shame, defeated

The purple dragon raised

announcing in my presence

Remember my name evil one

He towered above me

My name is. . .

A name I won't forget

Who made a mockery of me

that dragon will die

that dragon 



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