Chapter Four

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I'm back and better than ever! But! I need someone to help me with editing! I'll be picking one person from the comments and if you receive a PM you have won! I'll be giving you all a week to just simple comment your name and why you be good at editing. Courtesy of Skylar for the brilliant idea!


"I'm her."



"Alpha? You can't be! Show me the dogtags!" The man shouted. I stared blankly at his budder amulet that hung from his neck. It had a purple center the sparkled each time he would move. Being awoken from oblivion, I snatch Mitch's dogtags from my neck showed the budder man. He gasped and embraced me in warm hug. I stood there shocked.

"You are her! Mitchell is going to flip!" He shrieked with joy. I nodded hesitantly not knowing what quite happened in the past minute. "Who are you staying with?! You surely couldn't have lived on your own for these past years without some adult help!"

"I could have survive fine if I wasn't stuck under a cobblestone block."

"What? Cobblestone?"

"Yes. Cobblestone. When my mother took me safely out of the castle. She managed to fall. Being the small stupid child I was. I ran back inside. Mobs surrounded me everywhere and the castle began to fall apart. Cobblestone from the ceiling fell onto me and I was knocked out. Jerome's village found me and Jerome saved me. I have been living with him since he won't bear to leave me." I said without skipping a beat. Like it was a routine. And it was painfully.

"Do you mind if I see Jerome. We were friends too. I know how much he can hold onto someone. And seeing your case of events. He loves you like you're his sister. I'm sure you are to him aren't you?" He said with little squeals. I nodded. Jerome and I are very close. He IS my brother. Everyone sees us as we are. Furry or not. I love Jerome.

I stepped into the house normally, looking around at our new house. I smiled at the photos that Jerome never seems to want to separate with. I looked back to the budder man. He was looking around amazed. "It's so simple but the photos seem to hold so many memories!" He said awe struck.

"What's your name?" I asked out of no where.

"Adam. Call me Sky if you would like."

"Why Sky?"

"I dunno. My life wasn't so great either. When I grew up I changed my life. I thought with a new life I needed a new name. Sky... Seemed cool enough."

"Sorry to bring it up Sky."

"It's okay. I'm used to it any-"

"Alphie who are you talking to?" Jerome's voice boomed into the house. He walked into the house and tackled Sky to the ground. Hugs and laughter filled the small room. I smiled at the two. Best friends. Jerome makes everyone's life better.

It finally knocked into my head. I'm going to see my brother. "Alphie! You're going to see Mitch again! Can you believe?!" Jerome shrieked. A smile spread across his furry face. I smiled and nodded.

"Where is he Sky?" I asked curiously.

"He started a village not far away from here. He took your dad's place as king and well he is doing a fine job of it. The village is fine and some of villagers are expanding to other places. It's great! Though Mitch is going a bit insane trying to find his sister." He said with a smile.

"I like your budder amulet. It's pretty."

"You call it budder? That's what I call it! Jerome you never told her that word?!" Sky shrieked.

"Nope. She kinda of just made it up." He replied calmly. I smiled and reached for my pack.

"Jerome I ran into a couple of zombies." I said smiling. I pulled out some wet noodles and handed it to him. He smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you!" He ate them and looked to Sky and Me. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" He shouted with a mouth full of wet noodles. I smiled and readjusted my pack. I ran to the door and flung it open. I fled outside and waited for them to catch up. A few minutes later they caught up to me.

"Why are you guys panting?! We don't have anytime to waste!" I shouted eagerly.

"We will get there I promise." Jerome said.

"But I haven't seen him in years. I want to see my big brother." I said sadly.

"Then will take the horses." Sky said.

"We don't have horses." I said.

"Yes you do." he pointed to a group of horses drinking about a small stream. I sighed in stupidity. I walked slowly making my movements gently. The largest horse was pure white. It's mane clean and beautiful. It's nayed hesitantly. I placed a hand on it about softly and petted it.

"I think I'll name you Hero." I said. Hero's eyes sparkled. Like his name was Hero. I jumped on it's back and looked at Jerome and Sky who looked at me with their jaws dropped.

"You didn't tame it..." Sky said stuttering. I smiled.

"Come on boys no time to waste!" I said. "Come on boy. I know you know where the village is. Lead us to it. Go" I whispered into Hero's ear. He pawed in at the ground and took off in a great leap.

We gallop for what seemed a hour until we came upon a village. I began to get nervous. What am I going to say to him? Guards surround me.

"Who are you?!" A man in suit asked.

"Alpha. Sister of the king." I said proudly. The man laughed.

"She is." A voice boomed. I looked for its person. Then I found it. Mitch. His hair in a brown quiff. Red and black checkered hoodie, jeans, and red shoes. I leaped off of Hero and look to the suit man.

"You hurt and throw away this horse and I will take a diamond sword to your throat. That's a promise." I said with threatens lining my tone.

"Yes mam." He bowed and put a lead on the horse. I ran to Mitch and hugged him. He hugged me back with so much force I lost my breath.

"Alphie. I can't believe it." He released me and looked at me. "Tall, strong, and beautiful. Like mom. Who found you?!"

"Jerome, then Sky found me and brought me to you. Jerome has taken care of me all these years." I said. He smiled and grouped hugged me and Jerome.

"Welcome home sister." Mitch said.

Take Back The Night: A SkyDoesMinecraft FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now