Merry Christmas

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~Christmas Eve~

"Chris hurry up before the kids hear us"

"I thought we locked them in"

"We did but still"

We tip toed down the stairs and slipped presents under the tree. It took awhile cause of Chris sloppily wrapping the gifts. I hid his gifts from in my car I had momma wrap them for me. When we got everything under the tree neatly we ran upstairs. We jumped in bed and cuddled in bed.

"We got four hours till the kids wake up" I said.

"Then we better get some sleep" Chris kissed my forehead.

We fell into a deep sleep.


~Christmas Day~

"ITS CHRISTMAS!!" The kids jumped on the bed yelling.

"BOOOO!" Chris yelled.

Making everyone scream.

"Daddy we said Christmas not Halloween" Elijah said making everyone laugh.

"Okay wait on mommy and daddy before you open any gifts"

"Okay" they ran out the room.

"Merry Christmas Baby" Chris smiled at me.

"Merry Christmas"

He got on me and tickled me. I screamed in laughter. He stopped tickling me and he wrapped his arms and legs around me. He placed kisses all over my face.

"I Looooooove Yoooooouuuuuu!!" He yelled out loud.

"I Looooove Yooouuu Toooo!" I yelled back.

He gave me a long kiss and got up. I got up off the bed and went to the bathroom with Chris behind me.

When we were done in the bathroom we went downstairs.

"One second" I ran outside and unlocked the trunk.

I grabbed Chris' gifts and went back inside. I sat them on the side of the couch and sat on the couch. Chris passed out the presents to everyone.


"Yep" Chris laughed.

"Look Mommy I got the Xbox One" Maurice said cheesing.

"OoOo I got a Barbie plane and boat" Journey said.

"I got an iPad mini and a a Pink iPhone 5c" Laiani danced.

They opened a lot more gifts and now it was Chris' turn. I gave Chris his presents and he ripped the paper with excitement.

"Oh babe you got me the Gammas"

"Keep going" I smiled.

He unwrapped more presents.

"More spray paint much needed"

"One more"

It was a small box. He opened the box and pulled out keys.



He got up and ran outside. I followed behind him and pressed the unlock button. I got him a new customized Lamborghini.

"But I got one like this"

"No you don't"

"It's right there"

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