Chapter seven leaving

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She wanted so much for Tom to realise that he needed her but he hadn't even followed her up here. About a month later Tom had tried talking to her but she would just shrug her shoulders and walk off. They were leaving in two weeks if they weren't talking where would they live? One day Tom had had enough. He pulled Nigini away from Myrtle and pushed her to a wall in an forbidden corridor which meant no one would come here.
"Why have you been avoiding me"? He asked. She laughed.
"Are you serious"? He looked at her to tell her to go on. "I'm just doing what you've been doing to me". She replied casually.
"That's not fair I've been busy". He replied in defence.
"Yeah that's always your excuse". She tried to pull away but he held her tighter. "Tom let me go now your hurting me". She tried some more but no use, "TOM". He just wouldn't let her go. "Please Tom".
"I have been busy, you have to understand that, I won't realise you until  you realise that".
"Im so sorry Tom...sorry for believing I was your girlfriend and that you cared and loved  me I am so sorry". He let go of her hands and she fell to the floor in pain.
" that what you believe that I don't love you or care". He knelt down beside her. "Of course I love you". She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Now let's leave".

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