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"You're playing hard. I'm proud of you guys." Coach Orion said, walking over to Luis and patting him on the shoulder. "You and your girlfriend in particular."

Hailee's cheeks heated up.
"Oh, uh-" Luis started, but someone pushed the door wide open, making their heads turn in that direction.

"Dean Portman is awarded a full athletic and academic scholarship to the Eden Hall Academy. I had this lying around in the house in Chicago, my attorney thought I should sign it. I agreed. It's official, guys, I'm back!" Dean cheered.

Everyone cheered as Fulton pulled him into a hug.
"Let's go dance on their skulls!" Dean hollered.


"Here we go into the third period of a well-fought battle. Oh, look, here come The Ducks. Hey, wait a second, isn't that Dean Portman?"

Dean cheered when he heard his name. Hailee was skating beside him a cheered too.

"Hey, it looks like the other Bash Brother is back and he's brought The Ducks a renewed spirit!"

The crowd cheered as Dean took off his helmet and skated around the edge of the rink.

"Dean Portman hasn't skated for a while, but he's known more for his enforcer skills."

The game soon began and Dean took the puck.
"Let's see what you've got, Bash Brother!" Cole yelled as he skated towards him.

Dean chuckled and bent over as Cole jumped at him. He flew right over Dean and into the glass.

"Oh my, what a hit!

Hailee gasped once the glass smashed and Cole fell into the crowd.

The crowd cheered and Hailee began to laugh as her team skated up to Dean.
"Now that's clearing the garbage." Fulton remarked.
"Hey, man, we're just getting warmed up."

Dean and Fulton took on their nickname and began to dominate The Warriors.

Luis skated into the wall again, which didn't surprise Hailee at all. She laughed and skated over him.
Luis looked up and winced. Hailee held out her arm. "You alright, Mendoza?"

Luis took hold of her hand and allowed her to pull him up. He brushed himself down and tutted his head. "Of course I am." He smirked.
Hailee playfully rolled her eyes before skating off.

Dean was soon sent into the penalty box and everyone booed.
But Dean yelled and protested before thrown into the penalty box taking off his jersey.

The band began to play "Born to be Wild", making Hailee laugh.
Dean continued to remove his gear and throw it into the crowd.

Connie skated up beside Hailee and laughed along.
Everyone cheered, hollowed and whistled at Dean.

"Charlie, don't give up, man! They ain't that tough!" Dean said to Charlie, before continuing to yell.

"Come on, Portman!" Hailee shouted. "Show the crowd what they really came for!"
Connie laughed as Julie skated up to them.
"You heard the lady!" Julie shouted.

Dean smirked before taking off his shirt and waving it around in the air.

"This is insanity! Dean Portman is... he's stripping in the penalty box! Oh, he has really got this crowd - especially the ladies - going."

"Yeah!" Dean cheered, flexing and pretending to be a guy modelling for an advert on aftershave or razors.

Connie whistled as Guy came up behind her. "Come on, I've got better abs than that guy." He joked.
Hailee and Julie laughed.


"Change it!" Coach Orion called.
"Too many men, coach!" Wilson yelled.
The linesman blew his whistle. "White, you got a bench! Bench minor. Too many players on the ice."

"Alright, Luis!" Coach Orion yelled, calling him back over to bench. "Wu, go to the box."

Hailee watched as Luis hit the plastic separate him from the opposing team. She wanted to skate over, but she got distracted by Ken, who jumped off the bench a little too early. The Ducks now had to skate two players down.

"Alright, time out!" Coach Orion announced.
The whistle blew and the Ducks skated up to him.

"Now listen to me. The pressure is all on them. All we gotta do is hold our ground. Okay, Conway, Banks and Goldberg, we're going with you."

Goldberg's eyes widened. "Me, Coach?"
"You, Goldberg. You earned your spot out there. Okay, Ducks? Here we go! Come on!" He clapped.

Before Adam could skate away, Hailee grabbed his arm. He turned around. "You've got this."
He smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Hailee."

SOMEBODY ELSE ⇢ LUIS MENDOZA [2]Where stories live. Discover now