Chapter 1: Why Me, Always Me?

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Chapter 1:

My used to be boyfriend called and said that he really wanted to see me. But he moved to London. I told him that I didn't have the money for plane tickets. He said that he already bought them. Sweet right?

I was so happy to be able to see him. When I got to his house I caught him in his bed naked with some other girl! I was so pissed. I slapped him and that slut. Then, I screamed and left his house. And that's where you have me now.

I am so confused. I have no idea where I am. The next thing I know I walk into someone.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." I quickly say.

"It's fine. Do you know where you're going? You look a little confused." He says oh so sweetly. He actually looks somewhat cute as well.

"I don't know where I'm going. And I um... don't have anywhere to stay. So could you tell me where a hotel is?"

"You don't have anywhere to stay! Why don't you stay with me and my friends in my flat." He is sooooooo sweet!

"I can't stay with you and your friends. I don't want to be a bother." I say while blushing. Thank goodness it's dark. I would die if he saw me blushing.

"Nonsense! You are going to stay the night with us. Especially since you have no idea where you are."

"Ok, since I HAVE no other choice." I say half-sarcastically.

"Yay! Oh my name is Liam by the way." He smiled while saying that. He has such an amazing smile.

"Nice to meet you Liam. I'm Kristina but please call me Kris, because I really hate Kristina."

"If you don't like Kristina that much, you could've just said that your name was Kris." He says smartly.

"I... alright." He was so right.

"Ok, well I'll walk you to my flat now." He grabs my hand and we start walking.

I think I feel butterflies. He is really sweet, caring, cute, nice, and sensitive. Well he must be since he's letting a complete stranger into his home.

"So why were you crying earlier?" He asks me all of a sudden.

"I...well...can I tell you later?" I whisper.

"Yeah, sure. Sorry about making you feel uncomfortable."

"It's alright."

"Well we are here now. Oh and the boys may seem a bit weird. And please don't scream when you see them." He says quickly.

"Okay." I say. I am so confused, why would I scream?

Then he opens the door to reveal four boys.

This CANNOT Be Happening!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें