To the death

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Dimitri stood at the edge of the mat. His heart pounded in his throat. The main arena was full of recruits and instructors but there was deathly silence. It was after all not every day that the General's favourite was in a death fight with her lover. Dimitri felt  horror as he remembered the confrontation with the General. The General was angrier than Dimitri had ever seen him. But there was little that either Dimitri or Lia could say to defend themselves. The General had seen them together. His rule that no recruits could have a relationship had  been broken. And worse, much worse for Dimitri, Lia was the General's favourite.   

Lia stood at the edge of the mat. She felt as if she would be physically sick. It had occurred to her that for the first time since she had arrived at the compound she could show what she was really feeling. This would be the last time she would fight in this arena. Lia knew that if this death fight went ahead she had no chance of defeating Dimitri. If by some miracle the General showed mercy to her it would be at the expense of Dimitri and Lia would rather die than have that happen. Knowing that whatever happened her death would be the outcome gave Lia an unusual sense of peace. Today, she thought, I will join my grandfather.

The General walked deliberately into the arena. It was deathly silent. At the edge of the mats were Dimitri and Lia. Looking down at them impassively he gave the command to commence the fight. 

Lia and Dimitri engaged in the middle of the mat. They went through the preliminary moves of combat. Lia thought in a single moment of humour that apart from the large audience and presence of the General this could be a training session. The tempo of the moves increased and Lia felt breathless. She was rapidly reaching the place where she could not keep up with Dimitri's superior skill in combat. In a split second she made a decision.

Lia stopped abruptly. She could feel Dimitri's surprise as he stood next to her but she didn't dare look at him. Turning to look at the General Lia said,

'I cede this fight to Dimitri.'

The General looked at her with a cold smile.

This is a death fight, Natalia,' the General replied. 'One of you will not leave this arena.'

Lia looked across the mat at Dimitri. His face reflected her desperation.

'It is forbidden for two recruits to have a relationship, Natalia. You know this. As does Dimitri. Both of you broke this rule and now one of you must die. It is my command.'

'Then kill me,' Dimitri demanded.

The General smiled a cold smile at him.

'I will not kill you Mitri. That is Natalia's task'.

Lia felt sick again. It was as she had feared.  Today she would die. The General sensed that neither Dimitri or Lia would resume the fight. 

'Surround them,' he ordered his guard.

The soldiers went down onto the mat. Two men held each of them by the arms. Dimitri struggled to get free.

'Kill me and release her,' he shouted.

The General smiled an evil smile.

'If you refuse to fight I will kill you both,' he sneered.

'Then kill me,' Lia said. It was a risky move but perhaps as the General's favourite she had a better chance than Dimitri did of stopping this fight.

The General's smile became frozen on his face. He walked deliberately down to the mat. Reaching a hand up to Lia's face, he ran a finger down her cheek towards her mouth. She managed to keep her expression neutral.

'Ah Natalia,' he said. 'Do you think I want you after Dimitri has ruined you?'

Turning to his men, he gave the order.

'Kill them both'

Natalia turned to look at Dimitri. They had to act now if either of them were to survive. She saw the same thought reflected in his eyes. Together they turned to the guard holding them and attacked.  Surprise was on their side. Dimitri managed to wrestle away the weapon from one of the soldiers.  He shot the one holding Lia while she tackled the other soldier. Finally they were both free but more soldiers entered the arena because of the gunshots. Acting instinctively Dimitri and Lia started moving towards the exit of the arena. Their only chance now was to flee. Behind them they could hear the commotion as more soldiers joined the chase.

Dimitri was nearly at the main gates to the General's compound when the gunshot hit Lia. She was a step behind him. He heard her gasp of pain and his blood ran cold. Turning around Dimitri saw the blood bloom on her side. He slowed slightly to allow her to catch up.

'Keep going,' she said in a low voice. 'Our only hope is to get out of the compound.'

Dimitri realised the wisdom of Lia's statement but as he ran next to her out of the main gates he felt his heart drop. The blood from the wound in her side had started to run down her legs. Dimitri knew then that it was a serious injury.

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