Husband and wife

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Dimitri and Lia had been in the city for just on a week. In that time they had fallen into a routine. Their cover required them to appear rather naive and lost in the big city. They had after all been small scale farmers on the outskirts of the city according to their cover story.

The noise of so many people was unexpectedly disturbing to Lia. They were in the main market in the city gathering information. The presence of so many people could only be useful in gathering intel for the General. But the noise and crowding were affecting Lia significantly. Dimitri glanced across at her with concern. He realised that the silence and order of the General's compound had become ingrained in Lia. She was not managing the chaos of the market very well.

He leaned closer towards her using the cover of an embrace to whisper in her ear.

'Are you ok?'

Lia nodded. Dimitri could see the anxiety in her eyes although she was trying hard to mask it.

Dimitri bent forward again. Again he whispered, 'If it's too much we can leave.'

Lia shook her head. She needed to get over her anxiety.

'I can do this,'  she whispered back.

Dimitri nodded. He didn't stop watching Lia though. He could never afford to forget that in spite of his growing love for her, Lia was the General's favourite and as such his survival depended on hers.

In the crowd, Dimitri recognised the tall, familiar figure of Vladimir.  Vladimir turned to look at Dimitri and walked across to where he and Lia were standing.

'Good morning,' Vladimir said in a friendly way. 'I see you are out enjoying the market this morning.'

Dimitri nodded his assent. 'Yes, we are,' he confirmed.

Vladimir looked carefully at Lia. He had noticed her anxiety.

'Your wife is not feeling so comfortable?' Vladimir asked enquiringly.

Dimitri felt a coldness run through him. It was obvious that Vladimir was far more observant than Dimitri had realised from their initial encounter.

'We are not used to crowds,' Dimitri responded. 'The land outside the city is isolated. We are not used to many people in a confined space.'

Vladimir looked thoughtfully at Dimitri.

'I remember now that you said you had worked a small piece of land outside the city.'

Still looking thoughtful, Vladimir continued.

'You are a strong man. Had to be with the manual labour required to farm on this land. You would make the perfect recruit.'

Dimitri tried to maintain a neutral expression. Vladimir had offered him the biggest break of their whole operation. If he was part of the recruits he could discover intel that would really be of use to the General.

'That would be interesting,' Dimitri replied cautiously. 'I don't know if I will be much good with weapons but I am happy to learn. '

'Then it's settled,' Vladimir said with satisfaction. 'I will fetch you tomorrow at 7am. You can come and see what we do and if there is a place in our army for you.'

Back in the house within the quietness and safety of the walls, Lia finally relaxed. It had been a stressful day and she was angered by her own reaction in the market. If they were to succeed as spies, Lia needed to step up.

Dimitri came to stand next to her. He raised his hand and stroked her back gently.

'Hey,' he said softly. 'Don't beat yourself up about today. You did well. Because of you we were able to infiltrate the army. If you hadn't have appeared so nervous, Vladimir may not have remembered that we are supposed to be farmers and offered me an opportunity to join the recruits tomorrow.'

Lia sighed. Dimitri was right. She turned around. Fully in his embrace now she raised her chin and kissed him. The kiss deepened. Dimitri's hands moved down to unbutton her dress. In a single fluid movement Lia stepped out of the dress. She heard Dimitri catch his breath as he stared appreciatively at her nearly naked body. Lia smiled a shy smile as she moved closer to Dimitri to unbutton his shirt. Naked on the bed, Dimitri moved on to Lia. Tonight he would make her his. He felt her gasp of pain and realised with a start that this was her first time. He stopped and looked down at her face. Lia's eyes were half closed and her dark hair was spread on the pillow. Her mouth was slightly open.

'Did I hurt you?' he whispered.

Lia opened her eyes fully. Dark blue with passion. She smiled.

'No my love,' she whispered back. 'You just completed me.'

Lia lay in Dimitri's arms. He traced a pattern lazily on her back. They were both sweaty still from the exertions of their love making and lazy from their orgasm. Tomorrow they would have to face the reality of their world again  but for now the world consisted of just the two of them.

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