Love Inside

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A story of a rose with thorns

Thorns she let grow

She couldn't help her self

She couldn't let them go

There was another rose

Not far across the weeds

He had no thorns

He did good deeds

The roses fell in love

Even from a distance

But to simply get together

They needed true persistence

This I deem

As absolutely true

What we see as one

Used to be two

The roses had a baby

Over it they both would swoon

But one day these pretty roses died

Under the full moon

Their baby was alone

And not knowing what to do

He took shelter with some weeds

He soon acted like one too

He saw another rose

And knew she was the one

He made his way over to her

And found she had a gun

She held it to her head

And almost pulled the trigger

He talked her down from it

For, his love for her was bigger

He found a home for them

They had a kid or two

They grew old soon

And never heard from his crew

Their children soon grew up

And found somebody of their own

They died next to each other

Sitting on a stone

Love is true

It never dies alone

Truth is love

And only dies at home

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