Falling For The Wrong People: 4

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Hey guys :)

Extra long chapter for you! Hope you enjoy it and I did win third place for that competition so I am extremely happy about that. Please remember to spread the word!




Nadia :)


Ameera Chowdhury

My sleep was so relaxing; now I knew how a baby felt at night. A place that was supposed to be dirty and uncomfortable turned out to be completely the opposite of that. I think that it was safe to say that I would be napping more often under this tree in days to come.

I smiled in my sleep at how crazy I must have sounded at that moment. In my head I could hear a girl who looked exactly like Halima laughing loudly. Her head was tilted back in amusement and she was muttering under her breath “You crazy girl.”

Halima was not alone in my dream for she had company. Another girl in my dream, who had long flowing hair similarly to my own, was present. Her hair was a tad shorter than mine but boy, did it make a difference altogether. It helped to define her cheekbones more and make her brown eyes big which resembled her innocence.

She shook her head back herself and laughed alongside Halima. The place in which they were was fuzzy in my mind. But it looked like a garden: What looked like huge trees crowded over Halima and the girl as though it were covering them from the rest of the world.

It acted like a safety blanket to stop all things negative from coming in and destroying the tranquil place in which they stood.

I scrunched my eyes in confusion and their whereabouts were becoming clearer by the second. My suspicions were correct; it was a garden but in the far corner I could hear birds chirping and the flow of water in a nearby river.

This place was absolutely beautiful; the pure nature that was so perfect just added to the whole image in my head. If this were an image in a gallery, it would be worth ten times the Mona Lisa for this was something real. I could feel it as the girl in my dream started to look around and see what I see.

Could she be me? I scoffed to myself. I highly doubted that this girl could be me for she showed that she was more knowledgeable than me despite her childish exterior.

Halima turned towards the girl and picked up her brown basket.

‘Did she have that basket from the beginning or did it just literally pop out of nowhere?’

“Those fruits aren’t going to pick themselves. Come on,” She said happily after calming down her laughter.

“Yes, you’re right. My mother needs me home soon,” the girl replied.

In my head, I saw them walk to the huge tree and start to pick up fruits and place them into their baskets. After a few seconds, I saw Halima pick up a blackberry and just look at it for a second.

If I blinked, I would have missed it but Halima had thrown it in the direction of the girl. Her silk dress was now ruined and had a large stain across the front of it.

“Oh no! Look what you’ve done, Halima. When will you stop acting like a child?” She exclaimed while pulling at her dress inspecting the stain.

Halima walked towards the girl and replied cheekily, “Adults are so boring; I say we have as such fun as we can when we are children so that when we grow up we will never feel like we have missed out.”

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