Meet Frostnyan!

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As you may have realized, life is full of its many "odd occurences" that happen to just about everybody. But what you may NOT have known that most of these problems are the result of a mischievous group of spirit-like creatures known as "Yo-Kai". These pranksters can do anything, such as make those you know babble on with no end, give up on things halfway through, make you completely annoying and all other sorts of things. Now, normally, you couldn't see or speak with these spirits. But if you're like Nate Adams, the wielder of the Yo-Kai Watch, you've suddenly find yourself plunged into their world and work as hard as you can to befriend the Yo-Kai and earn their medals in return.

And just as Nate has eventually realized, once a Yo-Kai enters your life, things may NEVER be the same for you again…..

Yo-Kai Watch! Christmas in Springdale

Chapter 01: Meet Frostynyan

~ Downtown Springdale | Shopper's Lane | December 20th ~

Our story begins in the snow covered city of Springdale, down by the ever popular Shopper's Lane area. It is here that we find our Yo-Kai befriending hero, Nate Adams, with Jibanyan and Whisper. The three were walking together down the alley that was the shopping district when Nate stopped at the window of the nearby toy shop. He saw a large plush pink unicorn with a red ribbon around its neck. As Nate's eyes remained fixated on it, he imagined a scenario in which Nate would be giving it as a Christmas present to Katie, a girl from his class. He sighed heavily afterwards.

"What's wrong Nya-te?" Jibanyan asked, looking up at him. Whisper pulled out his Yo-Kai Pad and began swiping through screens.

"Well, Jibanyan, as you and the many folks out there reading this story of ours can guess, Nate has been looking for the PERFECT gift to give to Katie before the big school Christmas party….where EVERYONE shares their gifts with each other before holiday break." Whisper explained. Jibanyan glanced up at him.

"Well, I get that. But every time Nate seems to stop like this, he looks like his frown is getting droopier and droopier." the cat replied. Soon, both eyes were on Nate before he eventually saw their reflections.

"Come on Nate! Turn that frown upside down! Surely you'll find the perfect gift for Katie before the big party! We JUST need to keep looking!" Whisper exclaimed, trying to invigorate Nate's spirits. Nate glanced to Whisper.

"I dunno Whisper. Katie's…..extra special to me. So…I can't just give her any plain old gift. What'll happen when we get older and, even then, I can't man up and tell Katie I like her? Ugh! If I don't let her know soon, I may let her pass me by!" he explained. But Whisper and Jibanyan simply glared.

"You know, Nya-te, you don't exactly age all that quickly." Jibanyan pointed out. Whisper chuckled.

"Indeed. So relax and take it easy…before you start growing gray hairs. Katie's not going to stop being your friend anytime soon." Whisper said, slipping the pad away and placing his hand on Nate's shoulder. Nate turned to his ghostly friend.

"Maybe you're right. Okay. Let's keep looking. We're sure to find something." Nate said. Just then, Jibanyan gasped and patted his paws together.

"Wait! I just remembered something! Isn't your mom's jewelry store having that big holiday sale? You could get Katie something like a ring or something like that!" he exclaimed. The two turned to Whisper before glancing at each other.

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