Chapter 9 - holidays, not

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The team arrive at Honolulu at around 16:34 and drive to the temp’ command point which 

was a pub that was closed to the public. Ghost was the first one to arrive, or so he 

thought. In the corner of the room was a sexy naval officer with paper work on the 

table. Ghost saw one of the pages that had the name “B Jackson” on the same line as 

“I’m sorry to inform you” ghosts heart dropped to the floor thinking “please do 

not be my wife” but it was and he asked the naval officer “ma’am could you please tell 

me how my wife died?” she replied trying not to sound like a she was upset “sir, how 

about we get a drink?” ghost thought that a drink would help a little so he ordered the 

strongest the pub had and downed it in one. After talking about Billie’s death, ghost 

thought well I think I’m going to try and get someone new in my life. Ghost looked at 

the officers hands and she had no rings so ghost asked “are you with anyone ma’am” she 

started to pack up but thought “shit I can’t go yet and I can’t answer Lt Riley’s 

question, what do I do?” ghost thought of asking again but a little nicer and the 

officer answered the question “no, I’m a free spirit at the moment but I know what 

you’re going through though so if you need to talk or need someone the hang with, call 

me ok?” with that ghost started kissing the officer and then roach walked in. roach 

seemed surprised to see ghost back on the dating horse again, but little did roach 

know of ghosts wife. The naval officer introduced herself to ghost and roach 

“hello gentlemen, I am Sub-Lieutenant L Newbury codename kitty, I know who you are 

ghost and this must be roach, or on your files you are Gary Sanderson and Simon 

riley right?” ghost and roach looked at each other and thought “oh shit, how did 

she know that, she is navy” but they did shake her hand, ghost more than roach. 

After a while MacTavish walked in and said to kitty “ma’am what are you doing here?” 

Sub Lt Newbury replied with “I’m here to brief you all on what you will be facing, 

sir” MacTavish snapped a little saying “you’re a sub Lt, aren’t you meant to be on 

a ship?” ghost interrupted and said without thinking “sir, could you back off of my 

wife” roach nudged ghost and said “you not married to kitty though. Ghost thought 

“please don’t tell me I just said that” but walked out and found a shop nearby. Sub Lt 

L Newbury followed to make sure he was ok. MacTavish and roach looked through the 

Intel to find out where was there next trip going to be. After about half an hour both 

men found nothing but paperwork with nothing understandable on it. Meanwhile 

ghost was being questioned by the officer about why he said “sir, could you back off 

of my wife” ghost thought “shit” in that moment kitty asked ghost if he was ready to 

start dating. Ghost was shocked that she would ask such a thing but seeing as she 

didn’t have a ring he thought he could try and bed her before the briefing. Ghost ask 

her “are you?” she didn’t answer but ghost knew she was and that’s when ghost thought 

“right where is the nearest 5 star hotel because I’m going to have this officer in a 

restaurant and then naked in a bed” at the same time she was thinking “I wonder if he 

is going to do the normal military thing of dinner then a fuck”. After 10 minutes 

later, ghost was suited up and waiting for Miss Newbury. Ghost was thinking that she 

wasn’t going to turn up when suddenly she did, in a black limo. Ghost greeted her 

like a true gentlemen and escorted her to their table. After having a 3 course meal 

ghost and Miss Newbury went to their room when suddenly kitty strips to her 

underwear, ghost was so stunned he thought a flash bang had gone off. Kitty said to 

ghost “well? You striping or not” ghost just nodded and took off all his clothes 

and pulled kitty into the shower and pulled her right leg up and fucked her all night 

long. After ghost wakes up he hears knocking on the door, he got up and 

answered in only his socks while kitty was sprawled out on the bed naked. Ghost woke 

up and said to the man at the door “what do you want?” the desk Clark replied “sir I 

have come to inform you that there have been complaints from other guests about the 

excessive noise” ghost was about to explain when kitty walked up with a shirt and 

knickers on. The desk Clark was shocked then said “very well then sir, have a nice 

day” and walked off thinking “I hope they didn’t make a mess”. After a while of 

sorting out uniforms ghost and his new girlfriend walked back to the temporary 

command point. When the 2 lovers entered the C.P they found that the room was fully 

prepared for a briefing and that everyone is present.

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