Past Part 12

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Next week, The day of Arjun's Departure...

Arjun's POV

Today I am leaving for New york, It's a strange feeling, I mean, I am scared and excited at the sametime..

I am excited for my studies there, I'll meet new people, learn new things and finally comeback to establish my own business here... but I am really scared about things here, 5 years is a long time !

Everything will be changed here, I don't like changes... 

No one will be there with me, Maa won't be there to take care of me, when I get sick or sad, My brothers won't be there to tease me, Jai won't be there to share the tiny details of my day and Naina won't be there to encourage me and lift up my mood...

Damn Naina...!

Did I lose her as a friend ?

She hasn't talked to me since the party... I... I think I was way out of the line, I shouldn't have kissed her... I should've behaved myself...

I have this different feeling when I am around her, I mean, I feel like being with her all the time, it started since we had that weird eye contact in the cricket ground, to be honest

I love when she smiles, I go speechless when she does that... I may sound like a creep or desperate guy, but I could stare at her all day when she smiles... and this stupid feeling is not letting me function properly...

I am not some love sick puppy, I am Arjun Thapar, I don't run behind girls, I don't have time for that, there are so many things I want to do, and Naina is a great friend, I should not lose her because of some stupid feeling...

I have seen boys getting beaten up by her, if they touch her without consent, I am lucky that she did not hit me ! Does that mean she likes me too ? Of course not ! Had she liked it, she would've talked to me...

But I feel she is avoiding me since last week, and even I shouldn't push that talk further, who knows she is avoiding to discuss that kiss and Me asking her, will make her angry...

No ! I cannot risk my friendship for just a heat of the moment, I mean.. I really liked kissing her, but ofcourse she didn't.. I have to do something to talk to her again, this silence is killing me !

'Bhai, we are here....' Sash says as the car halts in front of the airport, this broke my chain of thoughts

'Yeah...' I reply and look at my phone, still no call from Naina, she did not even come to see me off

Adi and Dad, took out my luggage, while Jai's car halted behind us, Maa was in it along with Jai's mom and Sid

'Your flight leaves in 2 hours, you better get inside and submit your luggage...' Dad says

'Yes Papa...' I say wearing my bag

Mom was again in tears, while my brothers looked sad, and Jai ? Well he already started crying, before my mother...

'Ooo come on Jai, don't cry, I have controlled my tears for so long... now i'll start crying too...' I say, my voice getting heavy

'What if you make a new bestie there ? What will I do then ?' He sniffs

'I won't, are you crazy... no one can take your place in my life...' I hug him and he sighs

'We'll see that after 5 years...' he replies and I chuckle

'Maa you should've got them married before Bhai's departure....' Sash comments

'Yeah, this way Bhai would not look at any other boy except Jai Bhai...' Adi says and others laugh

'I don't feel like hitting, or else I would've replied for this stupid remark...' I say and they chuckle

'Take care my child.. and do call us daily from there...' Maa warns, wiping her tears

'Yes Maa...' I smile and hug her

'Come back soon...' Maa kisses my forehead

'I'll miss you bro...' Sid says and hugs me

'I'll miss you too... Listen, take care of...' I begin, but then my brothers jump at me

'My brooo... how will I live without you...' Adi cries dramatically

'Yeah... I cannot sleep without you hitting me...' Sash copies Adi

'Nice try Drama queens, I know you will be relieved for 5 years, but don't worry I will come back soon to destroy your peace...' I hit their heads playfully and they chuckle

'Will miss you bro...' They hug me, tightly

'I'll miss you too monkeys... don't trouble Maa and Papa much...' I hug them and they nod

'Take care son, remember why are you going there... Do not do anything stupid okay ?' Dad says

'Yes Dad...' I hug him too

I took blessings of all the elders and hugged Jai for last time and walked towards the departure gate, I was about to show my tickets and ID to the security person when I hear her voice

'Oi ! Kangaroo...'

Huh ? She is here... Oh my god... She is not mad at me !

I turn around and see Naina running towards me, in her classic jumpers, My tomboy...

Damn it Arjun ! Control your stupid emotions...

'How dare you decide to leave without seeing me...' she scolds, her face flushed

'I... I couldn't find you... I thought...' I began

'I was in a village near Delhi from last 4 days, with NGO people ! Had I not returned on time, you would've left without even meeting me' she huffs

Oh ! That's why she didn't contact me...

'Sorry... I..' I couldn't find any words, hundreds of emotions were playing inside me, I was so happy to see her...

'That's okay... atleast I got to see you, I was afraid I won't be....' she smiled and I was speechless..

I hug her tightly, she was startled for a while, but then hugged me back

'I am going to miss you Naina...' I say, and couldn't control my tears any longer

'I'll miss you too...' she says tearing up ..

'I'll call you from there...' I smile leaving her, and she wipes my tears

'I'll come to New York and smack you, if you don't...' she scolds me and I was about to leave her hand which I was holding tightly

She is not mad at me! Nothing will change ! Thank god...


'Yes ?'

'Will I be your best friend even after you return ?' She asks

I smile and take her hand, which I was holding and place it over my heart 'Yes you will be, I promise...' 

She stared at me startled and then smiled looking at our hands

'Go now ! Or else I'll snatch your bag and run away....' she says pushing me away and I laugh

'See you...' I smile, leaving her hand

'See you..' she smiled back

'Take care Naina..' I say while picking up my bag

'You too Arjun...' she smiles and waves at me..

Today was indeed the best day, I can't wait to start my new journey, now that I am assured, my bests will never leave me...

New york ! Here I come...

It Was Always YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora