Past Part 33

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Arjun's POV

Lets not talk about that Naina on our date My grip on the steering wheel tightens as I remember that stupid girl's words

How dare she talk about Naina, that way...

Last evening...

'Remind me again why should I go out with her ?' I ask Jai as he fixed my jacket

'You need to get back in the game, you are not meant to be a celibate...' he rolls his eyes

'I wasn't planning to be a celibate, I just don't feel like dating...'

'Just go out with her once, she's been dying to get your attention in the office...' Jai says

'So does half the office, I can't go out with everyone...' I roll my eyes

'See we had a bet, now don't back off...' Jai warns

'What makes you think I won't finish the date...?'

Jai doesn't answer just grins, Idiot !

'What about 'No dating the colleagues rule' ?' I raise my brow

'You can if the colleague is hot..' he winks and I roll my eyes

'Did you not see my ex ?'

'Don't take her name...' he cringes and I do that too, she was a bad news

'Okay she's not as hot as that headache you dated... But you must go out with her...' Jai says

'I am doing this just for our bet of 10,000 rupees.. Else I am not interested in her...' I say and Jai laughs

'I am sure you will not even finish the date...' Jai says

'I will... Be ready with the money, I prefer cash by the way...' I say bored

'We'll see...' Jai says challengingly

'I don't need this cologne, I don't want to impress her...'  I push away the cologne bottle

'Yeah okay, go have fun...'

'Oh I will...' I smirk at him

'I know you won't...' Jai says

I go out to my living room, to wear shoes when my brothers spot me..

'Oh ho, someone is dressed up...' Sash comments

'Yeah, someone is ready to ruin his date...' Adi comments, Jai comes out and hi fives him for this

'How come you guys are so sure...?' I ask

'Because we know something that you don't... And she's gonna piss you off...' Adi says and Sash looks at him confused

'Then why are you asking me to go out with her...' I look at Jai

'Because we are sadists...' Jai says proudly

'Ohh that you are...' I huff and walk out

Narrator's POV

After Arjun departs Sash looks at Adi and Jai

'She hates Naina, right...?' He asks and they grinned

'Oo she's so dead...' Sash laughs

'I know right...' Jai says

'Why are we messing with her again...?' Sash asks

'She ratted us out for that app glitch in front of the directors, eventhough, it wasn't our fault...' Adi huffs

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