Chapter 1- Once Upon a Time

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Chapter 1- Once Upon a Time

                Once upon a time there lived a girl, short but elegant with ever step she took with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.  Thin and strongly built, she took hearts of men just by walking past them.  She was cautious, but brave, clever, and love to daydream. She kindly helped everyone in every way she could.  She was loved by all of the land like they should have loved their own queen, just like any other fairy tale, the queen was evil and jealous of the girl’s beauty and heart.               

                Screaming in pain of the girl’s natural likeability, the queen ordered every man she could find the girl, to take her down. 

                “Why?  How could you hate her?  She’s beautiful, kind, and smart” They all asked, pleading for the task to be discarded.

                “That’s exactly why!” she shrieked, casting a wicked spell on the bright blue sky, making it pour with both rain and lightning.

                The men did not ask any more questions in fear of themselves being hit by the lightning and searched for the girl.

                When the girl saw the men entering her house dressed in the palace’s clothes, she knew exactly what was going on; the queen wanted to speak with her.  Because of the girl’s intelligence, she always noticed the queen’s glares and knew that the queen was angry.  But the girl did not try to escape from the queen’s fury, but walked along with the men. 

                “Finally!” Gasped the queen as the girl and men walked into the large palace.

                “So what’s your plan?” The girl asked, knowing this was a trap that would end with her death.

                “What do you mean?” asked the queen.

                “Don’t act like I am dumb, I know you dislike me and plan to kill me.” The girl said, strongly but not insultingly.

                “I don’t dislike you, I am disgusted by you.  I am disgusted by your love for everyone, your intelligence, your looks, and the overall picture.” The queen said.

                The girl stared back at the queen’s wrinkling face and dark, short hair with the dark eyes to match.

                “Now that I think about it, I don’t want you to die.  I want you to live but in pain watching the others treat you like you don’t exist.  I want others to be scared to speak your name.  I want them to think of you as a worst nightmare” stampeded the queen.

                “And how do you plan to do that?” the girl asked, curious about her fate.

                “Watch me” snickered the queen.  She started to lunge at the girl and circling around her, peering into her face waiting for the sweat to drip down from her forehead.

                But it didn’t.  The girl remained calm.  That is the one thing the queen wants; to find fear in me, thought the girl.  Fear is weakness.

                The queen still circling the girl, started targeting the girl and sang a song into her ears in a different language the girl recognized instantly; the queen was casting a horrible, evil, spell.

                Fear is weakness! The girl thought again, trying to ignore the queen now shouting wording into her ears.  Closing her soft eyes, the girl ignored the swirling tornado around her.   She ignored the sunlight turning into darkness and storms.  She ignored the room around her disappearing and reappearing as the exact same model, but no queen, no bright colored banners, no beautiful plants, and no escape.  When she opened her eyes, she instantly remembered this new castle; the Shadow Castle.  The one that belonged to a neighbor kingdom before her own town took over, bombing the houses out leaving only untouched castle and the shadows around it.

                The girl walked over to the mirror on the wall and looked into it to see if the queen changed her appearance, but she didn’t see her face; she saw nothing but the refection of the air surrounding her.

                That girl is Katherine, the ghost of the Shadow Castle.  Oh and that girl is me.

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