Chapter 1

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"I don't care what your made up reason as to why your teacher don't like you Harper. I'm tired of the excuses! You are 15 years old. YOU'RE the one that didn't study for the tests and YOU'RE the one that got the F's" my mom scawled me while we were sitting at the table for dinner. "But mom" I argued. "Listen to your mother Harper." my father said sternly. I turned my focus off of them and back on the food my mother just served. "What I think she needs is a reality check." my little sister Hunter chimed in. I shot her a dirty glance across the table. "Stay out of it." my mom shot back immediately.

I signed, wondering if there was a way to get my grades back up. I wanted to go to law school, but the rate I was going I wouldn't be able to get into the community college.

I excused myself from the table and went up to my room, I needed some time alone to think. I picked up my phone and text my best friend Ashley "Hey. Mr. Wilson is a major buzz kill. HE FLUNKED ME IN HIS CLASS" I turned my tv on trying to find something good to watch as I waited for Ashley's reply. "Woah dude that sucks. But you know why right? You're the only student that back talks him. You have an attitude problem lol. If I was him I'd flunk you too(;"

I read that message over and over. "I do not back talk him" I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and shut my screen off. I'm already done with this conversation. Ashley had no idea what she was talking about. I was a good student, and I was going to get my grades up NO MATTER what it took.


The next day back at school I was standing by my locker, talking to a couple girls from the volleyball team when the principle approached us. "Good day, ladies." he nodded towards us. "Good Morning Principle Arnold" we all said as if we were programed robots. He smiled, then looked straight at me. "I'm going to need to see you in my office in 20 minutes" my heart sank as my smile faded.

"Oh my god! What did you do?" Jess said looking just as shocked as I was. "Maybe it's just to tell you that you won another award." Taylor shot back, trying to comfort me. "Hopefully" I whispered as I checked the time on my phone. "Hey Jess, can you tell the teacher next period I'll be a little late?" "sure" she smiled. I turned around and got my physics book out, listening to the girls talk about the party this weekend that I so happened to be throwing. "By the way, what time should we be at your house?" Taylor asked hesitant. The bell rang interrupting our conversation. "Gotta go. And be at my house around 9" I shot over my shoulder as I started walking towards the office.

I walked into the office and the secretary was on the phone. She covered the mouth piece and whispered "One moment dear." while she pointed for me to take a seat in one of the chairs along the long window. As soon as I sat down the principles office door shot open. "Hello Miss. Morgan! Right this way" he cautioned, gesturing me into his dark, boring, office of hell. He closed the door as I walked in, and walked over to his seat. I sat down in one of the three chairs infront of his desk. "So, lets just get right down to it, and not beat around the bush. Harper, you're failing Mr. Wilson's class which means, no extra circular activities." I sighed blowing out hot air, and I thought for a second I could see one of the hairs on Principle Arnold's comb-over move.

He added after I didn't say anything back "So that means you're off the volleyball team until you get your grade in his class up." "Buu-t Mr. Arnold, volleyball is my life. I can't be kicked off the team. I'm the captain, they wont know how to function without me." He had an annoying look on his face. "I'm not here to make your life horrible, Harper. I just need you to know you're no longer allowed to play." I rolled my eyes, feeling so frustrated. It was all Mr. Wilson's fault, he had it out for me. "Okay, am I done here?" I shot off as I stood up and picked my bag up off the floor. "Yes you are" he replied as he stood up to usher me out the door, I was already gone.

I was so upset I could cry, maybe even scream or punch something. I walked to the door to my physics class and took a deep breath. "I can get through today" I mumbled to myself repeatedly as I opened the door and all eyes shot on me. The teacher smiled, and I walked to my seat. "What was that about?" Jess hissed. I took a couple breaths, trying not to scream. "Mr. Wilson just messed with the wrong person." I warned as I opened my book. Jess just looked at me, waiting for me to say more, but I didn't.

The rest of the day I thought about plans to ruin Wilson's life. He wanted to mess with me, it was a war and I don't lose. I just had to come up with a way that would hurt him as much as he hurt me.

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