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- Lee Minseo's POV -

Upon hearing the sound of the irksome alarm ringing through my ears, I lazily rubbed my eyes and stretched over to reach for my phone, silencing the stupid tone. And I actually thought it was a Saturday...

My jaw dropped when I glanced at the time in disbelief.

"Half seven!? I'm gonna be late!" Practically flying out of bed as fast as I could, flinging clothes everywhere in an attempt to get dressed.

My name is Lee Minseo and I'm a 97 liner. I live by myself in my apartment, but I'm not one of those girls whose parents 'tragically died in an accident' or 'kicked them out'. I've lived a pretty normal life so far.

There was no time for a shower this morning. I mean, I don't smell that bad, and it's not like it can't be fixed with a bit of deodorant, right?

After a lot of running and dodging slow walkers, I managed to arrive at the swimming centre. I work as a lifeguard, which kinda sucks since I just sit around all day, but I prefer sitting around in front of a pool in comparison to sitting around in front of a desk and computer.

I bet you were expecting me to work in a coffee shop or something. Well actually, my first choice was a coffee shop, but I didn't get the job. Sucks, right?

Eh, oh well. I probably should've stayed in school, but I was never the sharpest tool in the shed. I really tried in my final exams, but I just barely passed, so I gave up on the idea of universities and decided that work was the place for me.

"Tch, late again Minseo!" Sehun teased. Oh Sehun works here with me, but he's a 94 liner and subsequently 3 years older than me. We're good friends, but he mostly hangs out with his 'hyungs' when he's not working.

It's quite funny actually, people round here form 'groups' of friends, and then give that group a name. A bit like gangs, minus the violence and the rivalry; seems more like a trend to me. I don't bother with it, but I know a lot of people who do.

Sehun here is in one of said groups called EXO, and I sometimes see his friend Baekhyun - who's so flirty it's almost annoying - come in to pick him up after work.
"Sorry Boss." I joked, causing a small chuckle to arise from his abdomen. Following this we split up into the separate changing rooms, only to change and meet up a couple minutes later.

"How's things?" He asked once we'd settled down on watch duty. AKA sitting by the edge of the pool and doing nothing.
"Good." I replied, a quirky smile on my face.
"Still going out with Jungkook?" The smirk on his face continued to grow, almost teasingly.
"You say that like its a surprise." I pretended to sound offended, but just laughed it off. "Yeah, we're still dating."
"Ahh, good for you." He smiled, but then his expression changed, causing him to sigh. "I wish I could be in a relationship like you two, you're such a cute couple."
"I don't know whether to pity you or thank you on the compliment." I tried to lighten the mood. "So I'll-"

Sadly, I was cut off by the loud, deep voice that belonged to one of the fellow co-workers, yelling at Sehun to 'get his ass in gear'.
"I've gotta go now, back in a bit." Another sigh escaped his lips, and with that, he left. I then sighed myself, returning back to watching people enjoy themselves while I was stuck on low pay wishing I was somewhere else.

I was on pool cleaning duty, when I suddenly felt hands cover my eyes, and I knew someone was behind me.
"Guess who~" He cooed. Now, I knew exactly who it was, but I thought I'd have a little fun.

"Hmm.... Is it Jimin?" I asked.
"Hobi?" I asked again.
"Minseo!" He whined.
"Don't worry, I know it's you Kookie." I smiled, and my vision was granted once again. I span round to face my beautiful, sexy boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook.

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