Broken Links - Blurb, Preface and Chapter 1

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<P>Blurb  </P>

<P>16-year-old Brooklyn's life was starting to look up again. She and her ex-boyfriend had got back together and she was starting to think life wasn't that bad after all.  </P>

<P>Then the un-nameable happened and Brooklyn was sent into severe depression. They sent her to a mental institute where doctors said she'd never break out of it ... </P>

<P>Preface  </P>

<P>I walked slowly towards her, making sure I didn't scare her. "Come on Katie ... lets get you ho---"  </P>

<P>All of a sudden her facial expression turned from calm to utter terror in seconds. "NO!! I can't go home!!! Never again will I go home!!" she screamed at me  </P>

<P>"Kate ... what's happened?"  </P>

<P>"EVERYTHING!! I CANT TAKE IT NO MORE!" she had started shaking violently and produced a gun from her back pocket.  </P>

<P>"KATELYN DON'T YOU DARE!" I screamed and ran towards her. Katelyn aimed the gun towards me and pulled the trigger ...</P>

<P>Pain exploded in my leg as the bullet penetrated my skin. I tried to get up and get to Katelyn ... My vision was blurred and all I could see was the outline of Katelyn as she brought the gun up to her head ... I heard myself scream followed by a gunshot ...</P>

<P>Chapter 1  </P>

<P>"Brooklyn!! What on earth are you doing??" I turned to see my mother staring at the mess I'd made of my shared bedroom.  </P>

<P>I'm 16 years of age and that means I still live with the family, oh the joys. I had a sister; Autumn aged 14, and a brother; Owen aged 12.  </P>

<P>"I'm re-decorating mum ... don't you like it?" I replied, sarcasm thick in my voice.  </P>

<P>"Don't use that tone with me Brooklyn! Why have you completely destroyed Autumn's bed?"  </P>

<P>"I'm sick of her being out all the time and leaving the room for me to do!! So I thought I'd leave her a little present from when she comes home!"  </P>

<P>She sighed and walked out the room, I knew I'd pissed her off really bad over the past 2 months. But in my defence it hadn't exactly been the best start to the New Year for me. The love of my life had ripped my heart in two then decided he wanted to play with me like I was a rag doll! Picking me up when he wanted me and dropping me off when he was in a mood.  </P>

<P>Okay okay, I thought to myself, it isn't your fault he's really badly ill and has really bad mental issues at the moment and it isn't his either! He did it for you so suck it up!!  </P>

<P>"Gawd I hate it when I'm right!!" I muttered to myself. I did this often, always talked to myself. Katelyn, one of my best friends, always told me it was the first sign of insanity ... Am I going insane??  </P>

<P>"BROOKLYN WILL YOU PLEASE COME HERE??" dad yelled from downstairs  </P>

<P>"Coming!"  </P>

<P>I ran downstairs to find my dad holding one of our many chickens.  </P>

<P>"Dad what are you doing with Eddie??"  </P>

<P>"Eddie needs to be dried off AGAIN!"  </P>

<P>I looked at the rooster and laughed, he'd been trying to catch the fish in the pond for some time now. "Silly Eddie ... either you need to stop being a heron or learn to swim!" I took him off my dad and proceeded to the bathroom, grabbing some towels on the way.  </P>

<P>"You're getting heavier Eddie ... How much corn do you eat??" He just looked at me as I gently dried off his sodden feathers.  </P>

<P>"Yeah you would do wouldn't ya?? Dad says you'll explode if you keep eating like you do!!" </P>

<P>Finally I got him dried and took him down the garden. Once he ran away and regained his place in the, as I like to call it, Chicken Society I started heading back towards the house. I felt my phone vibrate signalling someone calling me. I looked at the phone and groaned. It was an unknown number ... meaning it was some freak or my ex-boyfriend!  </P>

<P>"Hello?"  </P>

<P>" Brooklyn its Conner!"  </P>

<P>"Well I never would of guessed! You alright?"  </P>

<P>"Now's not the time ... can you get over here today?"  </P>

<P>"Err I guess so ... Why? Something happened?"  </P>

<P>"You could say that ... I just need you here!!"  </P>

<P>"All right all right I'll go get dad to drop me off. He owes me a favour anyway."  </P>

<P>"Good ... seeya in a few"  </P>

<P>"Kay ... Wa---" He'd hung up. Well that was rude, I thought.</P>

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