the nematodez

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The don't like being evicted.. this is so horrific I can't even... Ughhh. When you see what's living inside you and you realize your infested.  We are allll being poisoned daily.. these little devils literally get into your brain and cause things like depression.. suicidal thoughts... Disease...ect... And they lie to us and call it "cancer" I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.. a Chinese herbal doctor told me that was not true but I in fact had parisites.. everyone EVERYONE has them in some form.. one main cause is drugs primarily meth... But it's also in our food and all around us. We are in a toxic environment.. the healthier your are the less you gotta worry but we are all exposed..I've seen it first hand in countless people. Most doctors won't acknowledge this fact. They just want to sell us drugs...

 They just want to sell us drugs

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This med costs 4,000 a month. I stopped taking it. It's supposed to slow down the progression of my MS by 1/3 over my lifespan.. that is not acceptable... This is a load of crap.. I had about 13 brain lessions on my last MRI.. my doctor said and I quote "we are not trying to cure you we just want to deal with the symptoms" so its been a few months.. I'm learning everything I can...nature provides the best medicine... The purging process is not to fun tho.. I feel a horrible pressure in my brain..that means they don't like the herbs I'm taking. I'll be jacked for a few days but then I'll have my health back.. sugar is the enemy.

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