Hallo there! (+Commission Info)

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Hi. Hello. Bonjour. Hallo. hOI. 'Sup? What's up? How are you? Are you good? Good. Okay. This is getting weird. Hello. Welcome to my second art book. Have fun(?). Stop reading this pointless sentence.



Okay, well, if you're still on this page and haven't clicked off by now, I suppose that I should tell you stuff about commissions. 

1.) I'll take any requests/commissions for free, so always feel free to ask for them. 

2.) I'll always try to respond to tell you if I'll do your request/commission or not, since sometimes I just won't have the time or something like that (I'll probably just have been to lazy).

3.) Commissions will always be open, and hopefully I won't close them(?) Not that I'm sure anyone would want a commission from me since my art is bad, haha.

Is that it? Probably not. I'm probably forgettin' something. Oh well.


I'll also do art trades too, I suppose.

Okay. Good bye. I'm going to crawl back to my abyss now and post some art on here.

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