Day One

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"He's all yours. I hate to drop him off and leave. But I'll be back in town Friday! I'll be sure to stop by!"

Stella just dropped my new horse Zeus off. He has been such a sweet heart to me. Plus, I need to get back into rodeo. Zeus has done it before. Stella doesn't lie. I'm only doing the classic pole bending and barrels. I'm not pushing my luck with working the steers.

Getting this horse in the trailer already sucked. I'm scared to see how he reacts when he moves into a field he's never been in before. He's already spooky. Oh god, what if I mess him up. No, I've trained horses with worse problems. I'll be okay. He will learn like Kaela's horse did.

I slowly open the trailer and hope that he won't bolt out and knock me over. I feel him shaking from outside. This isn't going to end well at all. I step in completely. He didn't rip off his halter, which is good. He is drenched in sweat. He might as well have just been sprayed by a hose right before we moved him. He wasn't sweating from heat; he was sweating from being nervous.

I take the rope and he practically runs me over as I try to get him to the gate. He gets jumpy. There is no getting him to calm down. I hear Kelly, why is she here? "Smack him, teach him a lesson"

"He doesn't need it, he's scared." Just like me. I always found It weird how I can talk someone out of depression yet here I am. I think it's considered being a hypocrite.

I hear her say something to me as I'm taking off his halter. I'm not going to put up with her right now. I want to deal with my horse without another person over my shoulder. I'm not going to say anything though. Isn't that how you're supposed to be nice?

"RAIN!? I said hold him still!"

"I'm letting him figure out where he is. There is no problem."

Kelly always liked to tell me how to deal with horses. I've only known her for about 3 months. And she's taking over everything. I hear her getting ready to speak. Honestly where is the duct tape and krazy glue when you need it.

Zeus starts running up and down the fence line. He looks at me then stops. I'm tempted to mess around and play tag with him. But I don't want to look stupid in front of Kelly. Hell, why is she here again? Who invited her. All I know is that she jumped into my truck. I didn't say anything. I was at a stop sign. Not her house.

We always know that one person who invites themselves to everything. Bingo. She's it. I mean what was I supposed to do? Would I just look at her in the eye and not do anything! Say that I don't have time for her? Say that I don't like the way she mistreats her horse; therefore, I don't want her around mine.

I can't just wave hi and run away. Even though I should have just done that. I just want to break this stupid thing off. But I want some friends around here my age. I'm 20, shouldn't this be easy? Well it's not okay. Stella is 29, yet she's one of the greatest people I know!

I'm starting to wonder where the hell is Adam. He said he would be here. He already knows Kelly showed up. I have a feeling he knew before I even texted him. He went up to Denver today, so I guess if he shows, then he's showing up rather fast, guess I can't complain.

He's one of the only people I know who actually care about me. I always found that really weird. He only wants me to be safe. And when I'm under his watch, I am. Whether I like it or not, he is always there for me. One of the many reasons he is my fiancé. It's going well so far.

"Well I gotta go or else my dad will be concerned." Yes, Kelly still lives with her dad. She's 21. And still lives with her dad. She's never bothered to get a job. She believes she can compete in rodeos and start horses. I told her I could help her, but she only looks down to me. She truly believes I don't know what I'm doing or talking about. Her opinion. That's all her decision, not mine. I tell her I will help her, she blows me off and tells me her vast experiences. But I can tell it's a lie. I know this because her stories change every single time.

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