Ashton Appendicitis- Part 1

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This is going to be split into 3 parts.

And is all going to be Ashton's pov


When I wake up, I have this intense pain in my stomach. I thought nothing of it and passed it off as just a small stomach ache which would go away on its own, but I must have thought wrong. I didn't necessarily feel like I was sick but something definately wasnt right. And I knew it. I decided it was probably because I was hungry, so I stood up to go to the kitchen, but when I did, the pain had increased, and I really didnt want to eat anything, just the smell of food made me feel sick. "Luke must be cooking food" I thought to myself. I decided to go watch Michael play Call Of Duty. God, he is so obsessed with that game. Calum was busy playing on his phone.

I curled up on the sofa because my stomach pain hurt too bad. Michael switched his game off and stroked my face. "Ash, whats wrong bud?" he asked me. "I dont feel good. My stomach hurts bad." I tell him. Luke then comes in with the food. Calum jumped up and went to grab the food off luke. "PIZZA! I LOVE PIZZA!" Calum shouted. "SHHHH! Cal! Ash is sick." Michael said, trying to shush calum. "Oh sorry Ash. you ok?" Calum asked after apologising for being loud. "No, my stomach hurts so bad!" I cried. "Mikey, have you felt Ash for a temperature?" Luke asked. Michael shook his head no and put his hand on my head.

"He feels warm, maybe we should check what his temperature is with a thermometer." Mikey said to luke.

"OK, I'll go get it." Luke said.

"Mikey, help, my stomach pain is really bad now." I cried into Mikey when he hugged me.

"Shh, Ash, its ok. We'll help you feel better, don't worry, just relax." Mikey said to me, trying to comfort me. I calmed down a bit and Luke came back with the thermometer. Mikey stopped hugging me and slowly turned me so I was facing Luke and held my arms. "Open your mouth, babe." Luke said, I opened my mouth, but only a little bit. "That's it, now just leave it there until it beeps." Luke said, leaving the thermometer a little bit. I went back to hugging Mikey and we cuddled until it beeped. Luke took the thermometer out of my mouth and said, "103. That is quite high"

I cried and hunched over in pain clutching my stomach. "My stomach pain is here now. it really hurts." I told Mikey, pointing to my right side. He took the blanket from the sofa and gently wrapped it around me. he moved me back a bit and I screamed. "OWWW!" I rubbed my right side and Mikey said. "Okay Ash, calm down buddy, lets get you in bed for a lie down" He picked me up and carried me to the bed we both share. Calum was asleep on the sofa and Luke came out of the kitchen. "Ash still poorly?" he asked. "Yeah, it really hurts him on the right side he said." Mikey told him. "Awww, poor Ash. Maybe we should phone the doctor." Luke said, coming over and stroking my cheek. "Yeah, I think we should, can you help me get him in bed, Luke?" Mikey asked. "Yeah course." Luke said and helped carry me to the bed. They both climbed in next to me, and I fell asleep, well, I slept until 3:00 am.

I woke up again in pain. Clutching my stomach, I cry out in pain. Luke heard me and woke up.

"Ash, whats wrong?"

"I-I dont know! my stomach is killing me and I feel like I'm dying!"

I cry out in so much pain. I feel sick coming up so I jumped out of bed and sprint to the bathroom. Luke came in and sat down next to me hugging me. "That's it Ash. Let it all out" He said to me. I opened my mouth and immediately regretted it when I saw blood.

Mikey woke up and came into the bathroom. "Ash not better then?"

"No, he just threw up blood." Luke said.

"Oh god, I'm gonna go wake Calum up because he is way too sick to stay at home and we'd better take him to hospital before he gets any worse." Mikey said and left to wake Calum up. Luke stayed with me and said "I wonder what's got you so bad, Ash." I just shrugged and fell back into Luke.

Meanwhile, whilst in the lounge room, Mikey shook Calum to wake him. Calum is a deep sleeper so he slept on the sofa. Calum opened his eyes slowly and blinked. "What are you doing Mikey I'm tryna sleep!!" Calum shouted at Mikey. Throwing a pillow at him

"Ashton is throwing up and is in a lot of pain. We're going to take him to hospital and I need you to call his mum!" Mikey says to calum. "Oh my god! I didn't know! I'll go call now!" Calum says jumping out of bed and running out of the room in panic looking for a phone.

Mikey went back into the bathroom seeing that I had thrown up on Luke. "Here Luke, you go get cleaned up and change and I'll look after Ash and clean him up." Mikey said, helping Luke up. "Thanks Mikey" Luke said leaving the room in order to find some spare clothes. "Aww poor Ashy. You're still sick aren't you buddy?" Mikey said to me. "I-it hurts so b-bad." I said, crying and stuttering my words. But then I was throwing up again. Mikey turned me so I was facing the toilet. I threw up about 2 times and when I was done I fell back on the wall and just stayed there. "What's wrong with me?" I ask in the most helpless voice ever. "I don't know Ashy, but don't worry because we are going to find out." Mikey said to me, helping me up.

We slowly walked out of the bathroom with Mikey holding me tight. Luke was in the hallway, but halfway to the door, I stopped in my place. "What is it ashton?" Luke asks me, worried. I crunch in pain. "It hurts so-so-so..." I say as I pass out. The world went dark and I fell onto the floor.

"Oh my god!" Mikey says. trying to wake me. "What do we do now Mikey?" luke asks. "I don't know! AH! He's burning!" Mikey says. Calum comes running back saying he couldn't get my mum on the phone. He sees me on the floor and calls 999. He runs into the other room to speak to the operator on the phone.

Meanwhile, whilst on the phone, Calum is crying. "Hello this is 999 what is your emergency? The operator asks. "Yes, hello, my friend-he-he-he um passed out and I don't know what to do!" Calum says frantically into the phone. "Is your friend conscious or does he need medical assistance?" The operator asks. "He isn't conscious! Yes! We need an ambulance! Please hurry!" Calum says and walks back into the hallway to ask where we were. Luke phones management to ask. Luke gets a location and tells Calum, who tells the ambulance operator. 

Mikey is still with me even though I am burning up and sweating a lot. I am fading in and out. My eyes are opening and closing but I am not conscious.

"Ash hold on buddy!" The ambulance is on its way!" Mikey says. I squeeze his hand and then slowly let go and faint again. The sound of the ambulance is getting closer and closer. 

Calum runs outside and waves to the ambulance. They pull over and run to Calum, some of them getting a stretcher. "Hi, where is your friend?" The ambulance driver asks. "He's in the house!" Calum says leading them into the house. The driver signalises to the other guys with the stretcher to come in the house. 

The doctors walk in the hallway and surround me on the floor. They ask Michael calum and Luke for space and they back up, but are still closely hovering me.

"Son? Son can you here me?"

I just wince in pain and moan. The doctor touches me and pulls back as if he burnt himself.

"He's got a really nasty fever. It must be really high. What happened?"

"We were in the living room and we checked his temperature, it was 103. Then he screamed out in pain and I carried him to the bedroom. He went to sleep but woke up at 3:00am and ran to the bathroom. When we got there he was throwing up blood and then he just passed out."  Mikey says in one big heap of breath. 

"Ok we will need to take him to hospital and we will meet you there. We do need one person to come in the ambulance with us to identify him if he dosent wake up." The doctor says. 

"I'll go!" Mikey says and leaves the house and goes into the ambulance with me. The sirens go off again and Luke and calum head off to the hospital behind us.

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