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"You were...magnificent."

I had a recital on the twentieth of December. It was various dances to a compilation of Christmas music, and I was getting excited for it. I use to hate recitals, but Rain was going to attend and so I was looking forward to it actually. I had a solo, and I was working hard on it. Rain's parents were coming, too, because I got to spend more time with them recently. Rain mentioned to them how my parents were going to be gone for a few months and I think they felt sorry for me.

Rain was helping me rehearse for my solo, in my dining room area. There was a mirror on the wall so it was a good area for me to practice it. Rain was sitting on the table, scribbling in his sketchbook, and I was going over my dance. I honestly had it down pat, and I remembered all of it. It was a beautiful solo my dance teacher choreographed. It flowed beautifully, and she choreographed it just for me. I really enjoyed doing it, constantly I wanted to do it. I felt great when I danced to it.

"You're an incredible dancer, you know that?" Rain asked, looking up from his work.

"Oh, I'm not the best in my class," I replied. "There's one boy who is really great. He's not the nicest, and he doesn't have much expression in his face, but he can do things I can't do."

"Don't be so modest. If you're great at something, brag about it. I'm great at sex, let me brag about it."

I laughed, but blushed though. I continued dancing, trying not to think about having sex with Rain. I didn't even know how it would work. I mean, could two guys even have sex? Was he talking about the times he had sex with girls? I came to a stop, looking in the mirror. Unless...did he mean anally? Does that even feel good? I continued dancing when Rain looked up at me. I knew I could ask him about it, but I was tired of constantly asking him things. I wasn't as innocent as I was a few months ago. I wanted to know these things already so I could stop being so shy about it. If I weren't intersexual then...then what? Sure, so many things would be different. I'd probably be more confident. I wouldn't be so mortified or depressed about myself. My parents would like me. I probably would know more things. Maybe my parents could have let me go out more or something and so I wouldn't be so naïve on subjects. Though I was intersexual and that's something I just had to deal with.

I stopped dancing again, going over what I said. I did have to deal with it. I was dealing with it. Maybe I had already dealt with it. I had Rain, and he knew. Tyreke knew. They didn't judge. They didn't hate. Everything was perfectly fine. I felt...great. Better than I ever had actually. I didn't look away when Rain glanced at me. Instead I smiled, and he smiled back.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing," I answered, walking over to him. His legs were propped on some chairs, so I walked between his legs and kissed him. "I'm just very happy."

"Good," he said. "I like it when you're happy. It makes me happy." He leaned down and kissed me, pulling me deeper into the kiss. We kissed for a few minutes, and I was able to tell that he wanted more than just a kiss, but I had to pull away.

"I need to practice."

"You've been practicing nonstop. You couldn't dance the routine any more perfectly."

I Am Bailey Bennett. [LGBT]Where stories live. Discover now