Chapter 6

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Jason's pov

This morning I'm going to register the girls for daycare I went to get them ready, first I went to Sierras room

"baby girl it's time to wake up" I said rubbing her back but she wouldn't wake up

"come on baby girl" I said

"nwo daddy dwont fweel gwood" she said

"you don't feel good" I said she shook her head I put a hand on her forehead and she was buring up

"yep I think you've got a fever stay here daddy will be right back" I said she nodded and laid back down I went downstairs and called Luke, he knows about the girls

"hello" he said

"hey Luke are you busy this morning" I asked

"no what's up" he asked

"today I'm supposed to take the girls to get registered for daycare but Sierra is sick and I don't wanna take her out so can you come and get Miranda and take her" I asked

"yea of course and if you want to text me a list of things you need for Sierra I can run to the store" he said

"okay thanks man I'll see you in a few" I said and hung up and I went to get Miranda ready

"why isn't sissy cwoming" she asked

"sissy's sick and is staying home with daddy today but your gonna go to daycare and meet a lot of new friends and have fun and then uncle Luke will pick you up and bring you home okay" I said she nodded and we went downstairs and I got her breakfast and her bag and then I heard Sierra calling me I grabbed her sippy cup and filled it with apple juice and went back upstairs

"hey baby girl daddys here what's the matter" I said

"fweel sick daddy" she said and then she got sick in her bed

"oh my poor princess come on lets get you in the bath" I said so I grabbed a fresh pull up and some fresh Pjs and took her to the bathroom and started a bath.

"stay here daddy's gonna go downstairs and get you some medicine okay" I said she nodded and I went downstairs and Luke was there

"hey sorry I was upstairs with Sierra she threw up and I didn't hear you come in" I said

"it's okay so I'll drop her off get her registered and then pick her up at eleven" he said

"yep okay sweet girl have a good first day okay I'll see you later" I said kissing Mirandas head she waved and walked out the door I grabbed the thermomater and some Tylenol and went back upstairs.

"here baby open up" I said she opened her mouth and I put the thermomater in and waited for it to beep, once it for I read the reading

"101.4" I said getting some medicine out

"I need you to take this it's not gonna tast good but I have your sippy cup okay" I said she nodded and took the medince and then took a couple sips of apple juice and I got her in the bath and got her clean.

After she was clean I got her dressed and I grabbed her bear and blanket and we went downstairs and sat in the recliner and cuddled together and watched movies until she fell asleep once she fell asleep I laid her in the playpen and then cleaned up a little around the house.

After that I texted Luke to pick up some more medicine and some chicken noodle soup and some other stuff for Sierra. At eleven fifteen Miranda got home and Sierra was still asleep

"is sissy fweeling bwetter" she asked

"no not yet she's still sick, but we have to be quiet shes sleeping and she needs rest to get better" I said she started crying

"is she gwonna gwet bwetter" she asked I picked her up

"shh its okay she's gonna be okay shes just sick but don't worry she's okay" I said wiping her tears she smiled and I let her down and she went to play

"thanks for taking her to daycare" I told Luke

"no problem she loved it, she can't wait to go back with Sierra and show her everything" he said I laughed and thanked him for going shopping and then he left.

After Sierra woke up I made her some soup and got Miranda some lunch and Sierra ate a little bit and then went to lay back down on the couch. My poor baby I hope she gets better soon.

That night I put Sierra in my bed that way if she got sick again sometime during the night id be right there, her fever went down a little but not much I just hope she feels better tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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