Save Me

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It's okay.

The warm breeze blew hair across my face, cutting off the bright vision of the house below. The cliff, where I stood, overlooked the house where everyone still slept. Daybreak was almost near and soon Luis would awake for his morning run. Linda would wake a short time after to make breakfast and lunch for him, so he didn't have to eat that garbage they sold at the food trucks in the city. Then she would shower and dress to visit the country club, yelling out that she would be back before dinner when we all knew she would be out riding the pool boy. Luis would return from his run to find me sleeping in my bed weak with sleep and too small to fight back.

He would climb into my bed brush back a crazed black curl behind my ear before moving my blanket slowly from my sleeping body. He would caress my legs in my sleeping shorts and slowly pull them down before he repeated the action with my shirt. I would wake up when the cold air hit my warm skin and the dip of the bed from him straddling over me, trapping me there. My eyes would grow wide as I stared into his dark black eyes full of lust and something darker, sinister, as he would wrap his huge hand around my throat and his other would work on his belt. He would whisper sickly sweet nothings to me right before he would grab my panties and tear them from my body. I would fight and try to scream all the while his eyes and the sliver of silver on his shirt mocked me.

"Learn what your worth is now. You're nothing but a tool."

I would feel the pits of my stomach ripping apart as he slammed into me over and over again, the smack of skin against skin would drown out my screams and pleas for mercy. Over and over my innocence would crumble and in its place pain would form.

It would seem like forever until the disgusting liquid would pool on my stomach as he would grunt in satisfaction and roll-off me to fix his pants. He would pat my leg and say his farewells until the next morning or the night to come. He would snatch up his lunch in the kitchen and drive to his work where his fellow officers would joke and laugh with him about whatever cops joke and laugh about. While I would sit numbly in the shower, trying to wash away the feel of his hands all over my skin.

So, it's okay.

I convince myself, as my pink toes hang over the cliff. If I were to leave it would be over. The endless pain would be gone, the fear the badge, the cold black eyes, gone. The thought was uplifting as the sun slowly peeking above our little town. My jean jacket clung to my skin and beneath it was my sleeping gown and below it nothing else. He would find me, I would make sure of it. The cliff overlooked the trail he took every morning. He would see what he did to me, what he caused. But, could monsters care? Did it even matter?

I was alone.

I felt free, the warm breeze became cold and the sky started to pull away. Freedom whistled in my ears right as the crack of my skull rang and everything went black.

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