Ch. 6

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*June 2013*

Ally’s POV

So it’s the week that 24/seven comes out and I’m staying with grandma and grandpa while daddy and the guys are out of state doing cd signings. I finally got to meet the other BTR boys, Dustin, grandma and grandpa, and Uncle Kevin in person a few days after being with Dad, but I had to meet Uncle Kenneth over Facetime on dad’s phone. When dad left for his Heffron Drive tour it took me a while to get use to him being gone but grandma and grandpa helped me by telling me that it was hard when Dad left for his first and that it gets better.

Kendall’s POV

It’s June 13th and we just got done with our signing Minnesota at Mall of America. Its 9pm Minnesota time and we’re waiting for our plane and I decided to call All’s I got her and IPhone and IPod as a welcome to the family present.  “Hey dad!” she answered “hey princess! How are you?” I asked “I’m okay but I miss you” she replied “Awww Al’s I miss you too but I’ll be home late tonight” I told her “okay how are you doing?” she asked “pretty good the signing went pretty well” I explained “well that’s good, well I got to go dad grandma wants me to put on my pj’s so we can watch a movie together then I have to go to bed” she told me. “Alright baby girl have fun with grandma tonight I told her “Bye Ally!!” the guys said “Bye dad put me on speaker please?” she asked “okay your on speaker” I said “BYE BOYS!!!!” she yelled. I hung up and looked at the guys; they smiled “You miss her huh?” Carlos asked “yeah more than anything right now… I’ve grown attached even though I left 2 weeks after adopting her. She’s my life.” I told them. James explained that that I’ll see her late tonight so I just nodded

Ally’s POV

I put on my pj’s and went to the living room with grandma and grandpa who just got home. “Can I stay up after the movie till dad gets home?” I asked them. They said yes but only if I can. We saw the new episode of BTR and it was funny. After that we started to watch some movies. In the middle of The Fox and the Hound my eyes got heavy so I climbed on Grandpa’s lap and lied my head on his chest and fell asleep.

Mama Schmidt’s POV

Al’s now asleep; she hasn’t gotten much sleep because she misses Kendall. She’s been having nightmares about her past and all she tells us is that it’s about her dad. I have to tell Kendall even though she doesn’t want me to.

Kendall’s POV

We just arrived in Cali. The plane ride was fine but tiring and it’s only 10 here. I got to my car and drove to my parent’s house. I noticed that the living room and porch light was on so I figured someone was still up. I grabbed my bags and went up to the door. I went inside and my mom noticed me first. “Hey k3” she said “Hi mom” I said while giving her a hug. I took of my shoes and left my bags by the door and headed to the living room and saw my dad holding Ally. “She wanted to stay up and wait for you but she hasn’t got much sleep since you left” my dad said as I sat next to him. “Why?” I asked “She said she misses you but she’s been having nightmares about her past and it deals with her dad.” My mom said. I haven’t asked her about her past yet and she’s been with me for about 3 months. I take her from my dad as they head to bed. I follow but go to my room, I lay her down, go grab my bad, and head back to my room to change. As I lay down next to her she starts to talk “No… Please… Stop!” she says. She tosses and turn “Hey Al’s wake up.” I say as I shake her awake.

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