Impossible ~Chapter 3~

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Did I really want to tell him? I guess I better clear up the confusion for someone. No. He would probably laugh at me. So to answer his question, I gave my usual shrug and response, " None of the guys I have seen interest me, I guess." and I lay back down onto my bed. He raised his eyebrow at me, and might I add that it looked really cute, and he gave me a questioning look. I smiled a huge smile and closed my eyes. I heard him laugh, but it was cut short.

"Oops." He said. My eyes flew open and you would not believe what I saw.


 There, right before me, sat Matt looking horrified down on him. I followed his gaze and there it was.

Matt had peed himself.

I burst out into a fit of hysterics.

"HA- Ha- Ah- Oh- O- My- Ha- ha- GOSH!" I let out through bits of laughter and no breath in between. I clutched my stomach because now it was hurting by how much I was laughing.

"I didn't pee myself!" He screamed in embarrassment. That made me laugh even harder and almost fell off the bed.

"Yes- HA- HA - you did!" I choked out. I moved one hand up to my forehead.

"Nuh- uh!" He said back. I couldn't open my eyes enough to see his face because my eyes were forced shut by my forced up cheeks. I was still laughing and I heard him groan. He playfully pushed me, but he pushed me too hard.

"Woah!" I quickly yelped out. I fell right off the bed and landed onto the floor hard on my butt. My laughter immediately stopped and I rubbed my lower back from the soreness. Now it was Matt's turn to laugh at me.

"Matt!" I screamed at him.

"Are- are- you- ha ha- okay?" He asked. I mumbled curse words at him and stood up. He was still sitting on my bed and a hand was over his mouth to hide his laughter.

"I guess we are even now, Pee boy." I almost growled at him. He stopped laughing at me and stared at me. I returned his evil gaze and gave him a smile like the Cheshire cat.

"Wait till' people hear about this." I said, referring back to him peeing himself.

"No." He said to me with wide eyes. He slowly started to stand up while I pulled out my phone.

"Let's see who I have on my contacts. There's Lindsey, Bryan, Nata-" I was cut short by a large hand covering my mouth. I screamed under his hand which came out as a low, muffled sound.

"You wouldn't dare to tell mom." He whispered in a threatening voice to me. Natalie is his mom. I smiled under his hand and wiggled my eyebrows at him. He took my phone from my hand, took his hand away from my mouth, and was across the room all in the same movement.

"Hey!" I reached for my phone but he dodged me easily and ran to the opposite side, which I wasn't on, of my bed.

"Give it back! I need to tell your mommy that you need diapers." I said in a cooed voice.

 “I'm telling you! I didn't pee myself." He whispered the last part.

"Yes you did. It's written all over your pants." I mocked. He scoffed at me. I moved around the bed to get him, but he also moved away from me at the same time. Now I was where he was and he was where I was. We repeated this couple of times until I stopped and finally said,

"If it wasn't pee, then was it?"

"It's water!" He said in a serious tone.

"Mm-hm. Classic excuse." I said mockingly.

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