2: The Meeting

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Chapter 2: The Meeting

I woke up, the sun shining through my bedroom window and onto my sheets, warming my entire body. I wondered if everything that happened last night was a dream.

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and flung the warm sheets off of my legs. The apartment smelled of bacon and pancakes, and I was starving. I hadn't felt like eating last night, I was too nauseous. I threw on a plaid shirt and some jean shorts, walking out of my room.

I began to walk down the hallway, long curly hair hitting my back as I walked, but I immediately stopped when I heard voices in the kitchen. I stood behind the wall, glancing out into the kitchen to see my Mom, and her very close friend, Matt, sporting his black and grey hair, glasses hanging off the edge of his nose. I've known him as long as I've known Liam.

"She's not ready, Matt." My mother said to him as he sighed, looking at her. "Cecelia, she is. You're the one who isn't ready." Matt said, calling my mother by her first name. My mother sighed, setting down the dirty pan in the dish. "But Monroe-"

"Jane isn't Monroe. Jane never will be like that."

"I just don't want him to find her. She's my only child, Matt. I-"

"And she can handle herself. You know what happens when she turns Sixteen, Cecelia."

My mother stiffened, crossing her arms. "I know."

Matt pulled her into a hug. I heard my mother's silent weeping.

"You have to let her go, Cecelia."

And that's when I couldn't take it anymore.

I ran down the hallway, tears fogging my glasses as my breathing went ragged. Stumbling into my room, I circled around, anxiety and panic taking over my body.

The same symbol from last night, was on every single paper that hung on my wall.

I screamed, shaking as my body crumpled to the floor, my eyes still darting around at every single marking. My mother and Matt came bursting into the room, wide-eyed at what they saw around them.

"Jane-" my mother started, but I slammed the door to my room shut, locking the bolt lock next to the doorknob. They were both calling my name from the opposite side, banging on the door.

My weeping turned into sobs as I threw some clothes into my black backpack, then pulling out my guitar case, making sure my guitar and song-writing book were still inside. I yanked on my black converse, throwing my phone into my purse as I opened my bedroom window. I guess my mother heard me, because now a shoulder was slamming at my door, trying to break it down.

I slid out of my window, backpack and purse slung over my shoulder and guitar case in hand. I walked carefully on the roof to the small duplex, climbing down the vine-covered wall and landing on the soft grass.

Tears still streaming down my cheeks, I took my things and ran down the street.

"Jane? What happened!"

I slammed myself into Liam's chest, hugging him tightly. He immediately hugged me back, brushing his fingers through my hair. "Shh...Jane, it's alright. Let's get you inside, yeah?" He said, releasing me and picking up my things.

I walked into his house, the smell of chocolate chip cookies filling my nostrils, making me feel better. As we walked by the kitchen, Liam's mother turned around, smiling at us.

"Hello, Jane! Are you alright?" She asked, her pretty blonde hair swinging. I wiped my face free of tears. "Yeah, Mrs. Payne, just some family drama." I told her as she gave me a sympathetic smile.

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