Chapter 4

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The night of the council saw me decked in a beautiful peacock blue gown. Mum also made me wear a tacky tiara and did my hair up in a French twist.

I had argued with her but as usual, it was futile. She said with a tight lipped firmness I needed the change, but I knew from Freya and Brigitte's 'discreet' discussions that she was taking a risky step by taking me there as I was human. Plus, I didn't want to go. I had known my mother was a witch ever since I was born but had never had connections with any sort of magical thing and didn't want to have any.

"I am not allowed in the council," I had said resignedly.

Mom had glared at me. "Of course you are, you're a witch!"

"I am not! You know it! Even if I am, I am more human."

"Just come  with me!" she had said in such an authoritative voice that I had to agree.

"Okay, whatever," I muttered in my most disinterested tone, hoping against hope that it would dissuade her from taking me. Instead, it made her more determined.

"We have to buy a good outfit for you," she had said. So here I was, draped in an elegant peacock outfit going to some supernatural council while Damon lay in eternal sleep six feet under the ground.

Why didn't mom understand?

But then, it was an unanswerable question, a question I had asked myself so many times, I had gotten used to not getting an answer.

Mom had rented a limo for us to take us to the castle nestled deep in a coniferous forest on the hills where the council was to be held. Freya and Brigitte were inside the limo when we entered.

"Hello Fanella," Brigitte said cautiously, as if she were choosing her words carefully.

"Hello ladies!" Mom chirped in her most excited voice, "How are you feeling?"

"Scared," Freya said and then shot a sidelong glance in my direction, "Aren't you, Fanella?"

My mother pursed her lips in annoyance. I have never known her to have either fear or sadness inside of her. Her happiness always seemed unaffected by external factors.

"The witch council will not object, I am certain," she said. From the look on Brigitte's face, I knew there was going to be another argument so I resigned myself to looking out of the window.

Our limo was slowly snaking its way up the hill. The city moved farther and farther away as we moved towards the top and the light was replaced by darkness. We were moving through the woods.Then I could see a bright light on the hilltop and we reached our destination.

"Here we are!" Mom exclaimed.

It was an understatement to call the place a palace. It was like five palaces put together. It was surrounded by a garden which had chairs on which men and women sat, laughing and chatting like they were normal. The air was charged with something special-Was it magic?

"Come on," Mum said and took my hand, leading me towards the arch entrance of the palace and simultaneously waving at supernatural beings along the way.

Nobody looked at me like I was a freak. I could almost see Freya and Brigitte breathing mini sighs of relief at every smile I received from the people.

We passed through a narrow corridor which opened into a vast room which was brightly lit. A mass of people were in the room, a large stage occupied the front of the room. Stairs at the back seemed to lead to the other rooms.

"The heads haven't arrived yet," Freya said.

"The heads of what?" I asked.

"The council, duh," Freya said, rolling her eyes.

"Okay," I said.

Mum looked at me impatiently. "Are you just going to stand here or associate with people?"

I didn't want to hear more, so I walked away and began to walk towards the stairs. Freya followed me, but stopped when she spotted two boys who looked exactly the same- Dirty blond hair, grey eyes, sharp, chiselled features.

"The Handybrook twins!" she exclaimed, then looking at me said,"They are werewolves you know, but really sweet." Then she was gone, rushing towards them with a coquettish smile upon her lips.

No one in the crowd seemed to pay attention to me, and I was just fine by it. The day was just as monotonous as many I had come to know. Until I saw them of course.

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