Wayne Sharpe || The Crashed

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The Crashed by 

I sleep a restless sleep!

A visceral dread lays heavily on my body, dragging my mind from its incumbent nightmare towards an unwanted consciousness and a living hell.

I hear a cold voice echo from the depths of my mind. From a depth far beyond my mind. It calls to me through a red haze.

"Your pain awaits you. Rejoice as you dance upon the cusp of death. Do not fret I will be waiting for you when you decide that life is no longer something you desire. Now awaken and live your waking nightmare!"

The terrible voice that sent shards of terror into my heart, fades from my mind. Was it my voice or was it a figment of my dreamscape? I do not know, it seemed so real, so menacing!

I begin to wake and I feel a cold rushing wind thrash at my already agonized body. A deafening noise I do not understand is drowning me. A repetitive ringing rips my eardrums to shreds.

With a sudden and violent shudder, I awake!

Where am I?

Ugh! My head feels like it's in a vice. Jesus, my ankle hurts, hurts a lot. I go to move my legs. Oh God! My knees are on fire. I feel splashes of water on my face.

Oh, dear Lord, I can't stand the pain!

I'm screaming,


I blink to rid myself of pooling water on my upturned face, but instead, it runs into my eyes blurring my vision.

Uh, I feel sick. Uh-huh, I throw up. Barghuu..!

My mouth tastes of bile acid and stings. I'm trying to speak, but my face aches so much I just mumble like a wounded animal.

The ringing isn't so bad now! I can make out the sound of high pitched bells and my vision is beginning to clear a little. Flickering blue light's makes me dizzy. More dizzy that is. My head, although I can not move it, is doing loop-de-loops. I can feel a growling in my stomach, and throat.



I hear voices. A blur moves my head and tries to wrap something around my neck. I feel the cold settle deep in my skin. The edges of my blurred vision begin to go dark. I'm falling into a dark hole. I hear a faint voice from far away.

"Sir" the voice sounds urgent!

"Sir, Can you hear me? My name is Tony. I'm a paramedic. You've been involved in an R.TA, a road traffic accident, that is. Don't worry; we will have you out in a few minutes. OK"

Darkness covers me, unconsciousness takes me.

I'm awake again. The pain is all over.

I hear a voice. Tony, I think, he speaks "Is he under yet?" I don't hear the answer.

Now he is answering an unheard question! "No, the mother didn't make it. The boy? Him neither. The girl has a chance though" and then he asks "Any Idea who caused the crash"

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