Sleepovers and Curls (Italy X Reader X Romano)

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(NOTE: This is a story from my DA account)

"Italy! Idiota! It's stuck again! Dammit!"

"C-Calm down, R-Romano! We really need to call (Y/N). She can solve this problem. It's the only way!"

"Tch. Fine! Alright, we better call her right now! Hurry, it's starting to hurt if we keep moving around like this"

And there they go again. Italy and Romano's curl is tangled once again. They couldn't find anyone familiar nearby their home but instead, they decided to call you for help. They knew that you are coming to visit just to see the Italian brothers and having another sleepover with them.

Italy and Romano had to walk carefully, not to fast and not to rough so they wouldn't get hurt again. Italy grabbed the phone and started dialing right away.

~~~Meanwhile with you walking around the beautiful and vast country of Italy~~~

You were skipping around the country of Italy. It was such a beautiful place and it's been a while since you visited this place for quite sometime. You started whistling but your cellphone rang which kinda interrupted you.

You quickly grabbed your phone and answered it without knowing who it is. "Hello?", you said and tapped your foot. "(Y/N)!! (Y/N)!! T-Thank-a goodness you picked up! Quick! You have to help us!", Italy exclaimed in the phone.

You were about to speak but instead Romano joined in, "You better get over here like we're escaping from the British army! It hurts! I can't be stuck with him all day you know!".

Italy panicked in the phone and said, "R-Romano! Do you have to say that?! I thought that was in the past!".

You blinked a few times at their conversation over the phone and got an idea on what was really going on.

You mouthed an 'oh' and replied, "Okay, I think I know what's going on. Don't worry, I'll be there right away. Just don't do anything hasty while I'm not there". You hang up and ran across the road, passing by a lot of Italians along the way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In Italy and Romano's Place~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh my gosh. Where is my bella? I want this off", Romano mumbled.

"Hmm...don't worry, big brother. She'll be here, I'm sure of it-wait hold on just a minute...", said Italy and turned to look at his older brother, "Did you say 'my bella', Romano?".

Romano blushed bright like a tomato and stuttered, "W-What? It's nothing, fratello...Tch, fine, yes. I said it". Italy gasped and made a pout face. "B-But wait....I like (Y/N), Romano. She's my bella too".

This made Romano jump in surprise which made Italy screamed from the tangled curl. Romano panicked and said, "S-Sorry!!! M-My bad, fratello. Ahem, as I was saying, you're saying that you like her?".

Italy nodded and blushed. Romano crossed his arms and said, "Sorry, but I love her too".

Italy pouted and grabbed his brother's shoulders with a whine, "W-What? I love her more, Romano. You know how big my love is for (Y/N), don't you?". Romano clicked his tongue and said, "No way, she's mine!". Italy gulped and answered him back nearly crying, "No, she's mine, big brother!".




And on and on, Romano and Italy were having a small argument on who's gonna take you.

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