Pasta Love (Italy X Reader)

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(A/N: This is edited. I changed (Y/N) from YOU instead. I do hope you enjoy reading ;D)

It's a beautiful day in Italy. You recently arrived at this country just to visit your best friend known as Italy. 

You and Italy became friends easily when you first met at a beautiful tourist spot and you guys share the same favorite food which is pasta. But when time passed by, you started having romantic feelings towards Italy but you're too nervous on how to show it or tell it. 

Until now, you're still wondering how to do it but when you started making ideas or plans on your head, an idea came eventually and that is to visit Italy. And maybe when you have a chance, you might tell your feelings immediately. 

Okay, let's go back. You arrived at Italy's house and it brought you back a lot of memories inside your mind which made you smile gently. 

You exhaled and thought, 'This is it. I guess I better knock on the door now before he starts answering the door himself'. Without a doubt, you knocked on the door gently and said, "Hello? Italy? I came here to visit you". 

You waited for quite a while but eventually the front door was opened by none other than Italy. He's wearing his own house wear with a cat named Pookie on his shoulder. 

He smiled and said joyfully, "Oh my! Ciao, (Y/N)! I'm so glad to see you!". He gave you a big hug and you returned with a giggle. "Wow, it's been a while, Italy", you said and both of you let go. 

Italy let you inside and closed the door. When you're about to go to the couch, Italy stopped you by saying, "Wait! Don't go there, I want to serve pasta just the two of us, come on!". He grabbed your hand which made you blush and both of you went to Italy's kitchen.

You arrived at the kitchen at last and Italy offered you to take a seat in the dining area. You accepted his offer and sat down the dining chair. "(Y/N), please wait for a moment. The pasta is almost done, good thing I was able to cook this in a perfect time, you know what I'm saying? Hehe~", Italy said at a distance since he's inside the kitchen right now. 

You shook your head with a smile and said, "Wow, today's your lucky day then, Italy. You know what they say, it's more delicious when you are eating pasta with someone". Italy laughed at that one and replied, "Yeah, even someone you love. Hehe~". 

You blushed on his response and muttered something about how puppies and dogs are cute. Anyway, you just sat there wondering how to tell him. 

You thought of kissing him directly and say I love you but I don't know if it's going to work cause it might be awkward afterwards, then you thought if you could reveal hints to him by making small gestures but I don't know if it can do any good. 

You think very hard and I get the feeling your head is about to explode like a volcano due to your nervousness. Then, your mind was refreshed when you smelled a delicious aroma which made you smile like a dork. You looked to see Italy with the pasta on his hands. 

"Heya, (Y/N)! Here it is, our favourite food. Ve~", he said and placed on the table. He sat down beside you and your eyes widened suddenly.

"A-ah. Italy, I have a question. Why is it one big plate? Wait, don't tell me we're gonna share it, are we?", you asked with curiosity. Italy chuckled and ruffled your hair softly. "Exactly. I'm glad you figured it out".

Your mind started running crazy again and your blush became deeper. 'I c-can't believe it. We're sharing pasta together. I didn't expect him to do this but does this mean-wait I better be patient and see how this goes', she thought and shook her head.

Italy gave you a fork and both of you started twirling the pasta round and round with their fork. You took your first bite and it made you giggle and a bit jumpy. Italy, on the other hand, just smiled and said, "Delizioso!".


It's been a minute since you guys started and it looks like you are almost done eating. You started twirling the pasta with your fork again and placed it on your mouth. When tou started slurping, the noodle wasn't able to slide on your mouth instead it's stuck. 

You noticed this so you decided to find out what caused this. When you looked at your own noodle and at the end of it was on Italy's mouth. You gasped and Italy noticed her expression. 

He looked at his noodle as well and decided to came closer to you by eating the noodle all the way to the end. Your eyes widened and Italy closed his eyes. 'O-Oh. Is he doing what I think he's doing', you thought and blushed. 

Italy finally reached you and placed his lips into your's. You squeaked softly but decided to accept the kiss. You can feel Italy biting the noodle between your mouths and afterwards he let go. Your whole face was so flushed bright like a tomato and Italy giggled. 

"Wow, that was great. U-Um, but before that. I have to something to say to you, bella", he said sweetly. Your heart skipped a beat when he called you bella and it kinda makes you all doki-doki in the inside. 

You nodded and insisted on Italy to speak. He took your hand and brought you closer to him with his other hand. He looked at you seriously which is new to you and said, "I love you, (Y/N)". 

Your expression changed from flustered to surprised. "I-I had this feeling for a long time now but I can't seem to take it anymore so I decided to show you how I feel today", he said and blushed bright pink. 

You smiled and squeezed Italy's hand. He gasped and you finally confessed, "I love you too, Italy. I guess this means it's pasta love. Two pasta lovers fell for each other by eating pasta together, get it? Hehe~". 

His eyes sparkled and it made his heart go wild. He looked left and right and suddenly he gave you a hug. "Yay! Grazie, (Y/N). I'm so happy I could jump around and scream, I love you so much", he exclaimed and nuzzled against you. 

You chuckled and cupped his face. He gave you a sweet expression and decided to give you a kiss. You smiled and both of you shared your precious time kissing with your lips covered in pasta sauce which made your kissing session longer. 

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