chapter five

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its saturday and sebastian is on his way to pick rachel up ay her house as niether of them want the mckinley guys to know he is driving nick's car as his own mercedes is easily recognised.

he pulls upto her house and debates going to the door ut as he unclips his seat belt the door opens and rachel comes out. woah his eyes almost pop out of his head as he sees her he had never see. her dress like this before she was wearing a pale pink silky blouse with a black mini skirt and wedged black heels she looked amazing.

rachel walked to the car and sebasrian reclipped his seat belt as she got in the car

"hello"he said

"hi"rachel said she seemed nervous but was smiling

"you look lovely"he told her she blushed deeply and looked down at her lap as she put on her seat belt

" thank you" she said still not looking at him

" right well i have book us a table its a little place in westerville it does amazing seafood thought you would like it"he said

"sounds goid there isnt a decent place in lima for it"rachel admitted

"lima does have some tasty things though"he said with a smirk which made her fully understand why he said it.

they arrived at the little place which he wasnt kidding it was simple a door no windows at the front but as he opened the door she saw a stunning quaint little restaraunt mainly lite by candles on each of the tables it flet like it was feom another time but the smells coming from the kitchen were amazing. they were seated and ordered their drinks while discussing the menu which given they both adored seafood was quite an animated conversation.

they eventually ordered a seafood platter to share for startes constisting of muscles clams and prawns.

"so rachel how has your week been"he asked her

"okay i suppose"rachel said before adding "how was yours"

"good great actually"he said as their starter arrived

"wow"rachel said

" ladies first" he said so she picked a clam it was devine he could tell with her face he couldnt help,but wonder what else might make her make that expression.

they actaully had a good time rachel had relaxed as the main course had arrived sebastian u derstood her been weary but was glad she was starting to be herself around him because unlike finn he like rachel just as she was.

after the meal was finished he drove her back to her house after all he wanted her dads to trust him after what finn had done to her they would no doubt be watchfull of the next guy to sweep tbeir daughter off her feet which is exactly what sebastian planned to do.

as they arrived outside her house sebastian new it want time to try to kiss her but he wanted to see her then got an idea.

"rachel tomorrow is sunday the warblers are having something of a movie marathon in the acternoin would you like to join us"he asked he saw rachel wasnt comfywith the idea of it

" its okay the wrblers know about us goingnp out tonight they are fine wiy it infa t they were quite encouraging" he said

" okay then" rachel said

" shall i come for you"he asked

"no i will drive"rachel said

"omay well come for about one oclock"sebastian said

"i will do and thank you for tonight i had a good time" rachel said as she got out of the car

"me to goodnight rachel"sebastian said

he watched her walk into her house she gave him a little wave before she shut the front door he couldnt hold back the smile now he had loved tonight she seemed even more beautifil and it wadnt just the outfit it was because she was happywhen rachel was happy it filled the room with happiness.

as sebastian drove back to dalton he knew he was gonna have to see to himself because of her whennhe got to bed he was stiff now thinking about her.

as sebastian arrived back at dalton he saw hunter as he walked to his dorm

" well the lover returns how did it go" hunter asked

" great i invited her here tomorrow i want her to know you guys are cool aith it even if her school isnt" sebastian said

"so did you kiss her"hunter asked

"no it wasnt the right time but she is relaxing around me "sebastian said

"i thpught you had kissed her as ypunseem very happy"hunter said raising an eyebrow as he had clearly noticed the bulge in sebastians trousers

"oh god"sebastian said

"dont worry she is a pretty girl i dont blame you"hunter said before walking away as sebastian now rushed to his room.

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