Feelings, Past, Memories And Me

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It started off as an ordinary day.

It began when I fell out of bed into last night's popcorn bowl which resulted in popcorn everywhere.  The curl at the back of my head just wouldn’t uncurl and I put on mismatched socks (yellow daisies and blue stars)… 


“Nellie you are such a tramp.” Izzie commented as she wrinkled her nose at my ‘dumping ground’. “I’m so going to clean it one night when you’re at detention.” A mischievous grin formed on her face.

“Don’t you dare!” I shot back. I knew she wasn't playing around. I once went for a bath and came back to find that she had made my bed. Hospital corners and everything!

“What you going to do about it?” Izzie raised an eyebrow.

I thought for a moment before the perfect idea came into my mind. “Kick you in the shins.” I threatened.

“Last time you did that it felt like a tickle.” Izzie laughed before sticking her tongue out at me and packing her bag oh-so-neatly.

“A hurtful tickle.” I replied, trying to justify my kick. I've always thought I had a rather good kick and her insult made me want to kick stuff. 

Izzie giggled, “Yeah. Whatever, Nellie.” 

I dumped my stuff into my bag and swung it over my shoulders. 

“Nellie?” Izzie looked me.


“You have toothpaste on your cheek.”

“Oh no!” I quickly dropped my bag and ran into the bathroom.

Only to find I didn’t have any toothpaste on my face.

That cow.

“Silly muffin.” I muttered as I could hear Izzie’s laughter ringing from the bedroom. No doubt she would probably laugh so hard she’d have tears in her eyes. She is such a geek. 

...I’m such a fool.

I scowled at Izzie before I picked up my bag and walked out of the dormitories. I walked towards the Great Hall with Izzie, who I was currently ignoring because of the toothpaste prank. I was doing an excellent job because it has been two minutes and I have yet to utter a word to her.

My last record was only thirty seconds, but in my defence, she took Mr Snuggles Le Fuggles La Muggle as hostage. It was a dreadful time. He’s never been the same since. Oh, Mr Snuggles Le Fuggles La Muggle is part of my very large teddy bear collection. He has to be my favourite though. It’s his chewed up ear, small tear in the foot, and a missing button from his chest, along with his pink tutu and rainbow cowboy boots. Mum bought me some accessories when I first got him. Lemme tell you now, cowboy boots and tutus don’t mix at all. Still though, he holds so many memories that I only have to look at him and I smile.

“…and then I was like yeah, get lost.” Izzie carried on rambling. She’d been telling me one of her many stories. This one I was positive she had made up, because even in the magical world, toasters don’t talk and you can’t make kangaroos actually understand English can you? And tell them to get lost? Well I might not be sure about that fact…but I definitely know that she didn’t battle a troll at age five. This was Izzie’s way of getting me to talk to her without violence. She would just talk, about nothing important really, usually one of her many stories. I’d listen a little bit here and there…and eventually I’d reply without remembering I was mad at her or something along the lines of that.

It didn’t help I couldn’t stay a minute mad at the girl either.

“Nellie. Talk to me?” Izzie sighed.

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