Chapter Nine | Wasn't Fishy Then Scales Really Belonged On Giraffes

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I believe in second chances, I just don't believe everyone deserves them. -Unknown

"Don't forget, that paper is due next Friday. Have a good night, guys." I smiled at my new biology teacher, a cool and rather cute 25 year old Mr Duran, as the rest of the students stood and started to exit his room just after the bell had gone. It was the last period of the day, thankfully. 

His class made me uncomfortable, and not because he was a creep or anything like that.

It was because Samson's eyes had drilled into the back of my neck the entire period long. 

I know, the popular guy giving the new girl all the attention? Surely I was secretly freaking out with joy on the inside. Surely I was blushing and giggling like a school girl because hello, he was looking at me. 

I wanted to tell every young adult novel authors to fuck off, at that point. Not every single girl in this parallel universe liked the cookie cutter American boy, so stop with the stereotype. Please.

Besides the fact that I was having this internal debate on the pros of not being one of those girls who relished under any attention, no matter who from, I was getting increasingly annoyed with the looks his friends kept sending me too, like I had done something wrong. 

I hadn't done jack shit.

Yeah, I sat with the social outcast, okay, big whoop. 

But did that warrant the permission of the sly side glare I was getting from Hailey Brown, Cara's second hand gal? 


Absolutely not. 

And did it mean that because I'd made a friend with someone who they saw as unworthy, that they could whisper about it when I was so obviously right there in front of them?

Maybe all this anger was coming from the fact that I was due for my period. I mean, I wasn't normally this much of a spastic, but superficial barbie girls who gossiped got under my skin like no other. Add that to the monthly, and I did come slightly more homicidal. 

Deciding to just forget about how the whole period in general, I picked up my books and walked out into the hallway, sighing in relief when I didn't see any stares directed my way. Biology was the only class I didn't have with at least one of the other girls, so the you vs. us mentality was a little bit stronger in that one.

I was still the new girl, remember? I didn't just slot in to the school as one of the normal kids after just one day. 

I had got to the hallway where my locker lived, thinking about the homework that awaited me and whether Spencer would be home and Marley with his grey, beautiful eyes and tiny smile, when I heard the voice that made my temper flare a little bit stronger. 

"Hey, Indy, can I talk to you for a second?" 

Shutting my eyes to force the groan that wanted to escape, I slowly spun to look at Samson, who had this easy grin on his face that only pissed me off more. 

"What do you need, Samson?" I asked a little bluntly, and it showed when his eyes flashed in surprise. 

"Call me Sam, please. All my friends call me Sam."

I'm not you're friend- "Anyway," Samson cut off my thought process, stepping towards me as I stepped back, not liking that he was pushing on the personal space again. "I just thought I should come over and go through a few things with you, since I feel like I should look out for you a little during you're first few weeks." Samson chuckled, like I would find his words relieving.

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