Don't marry her, have me

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Hey guys! i've had this idea in my head for a while now and I've been struggling to write it down. I'm hoping you like it, I liked writing it! :D

~bethybomb <3<3



One year ago

Ah, I am so in love with him. I thought to myself as my best friend Kayden walked towards me. I hadn’t seen him in three months as he went to study in London for a while. He had phoned me yesterday to tell me that he was coming back to Yorkshire for good and that he had a big surprise for me which was the reason for his return. I know I was probably just getting my hopes up that he had finally realised that we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together and it probably isn’t the reason for his return at all. However I couldn’t stop wishing, hoping and praying that that was his reason for his return.

So here I am sitting in the local pub wearing my best outfit waiting for his return. And he’d just walked through the door, oh no I’m going to vomit. He looked so handsome and smart. He scanned the crowd and spotted me, I gave him a little wave and he started to walk over. I really am in love with him; he is perfect in every single way!

            “Hello beautiful! I’ve missed you so much Hero!” He exclaimed whilst hugging me tightly. I squeezed him back as tight as I could; never wanting to let go.

            “Hey handsome! I’ve missed you too so much! I can’t believe that you’re back! It feels like you’ve been away for a decade!” I laughed shakily. I was nervous. I never used to get nervous in front of him before I discovered my true feelings for him but now I can’t stop thinking about how I look as I want to look nice for him.

            “How have you been?” He asked whilst tucking a stray strand of my brunette hair behind my ear. “Still not grown I see.”

            “I’ve been good and unfortunately no I haven’t, I think I’ve stopped. Forever a midget I’m afraid.” I laughed.

            “That’s good; all good things come in small packages.”

I laughed. “So what’s this surprise then?”

Kayden gulped. “Well, remember that time when we visited my mum sometime last year?”

            “How can I forget? She thought we were finally dating.” I chuckled. My heart started thumping in my chest.

            “Yes, well it got me thinking, why haven’t I had a serious relationship yet? I’m twenty years old and I haven’t had a serious girlfriend.”

Oh my days, am I hallucinating? Is this really happening? Is he really going to finally ask me out?!

            “I did a lot of thinking whilst I was in London and I’ve come to a decision.”


            “I met a girl there called Georgina; she’s over there by the bar.” Kayden said. My heart dropped to my toes. He’d met someone. I can’t believe this was happening to me. I’ve been in love with him ever since I was five and he was seven and my family had moved in next door to his! She can’t have him! I’ve been in love with him much longer than she has.

I looked over to where Kayden was pointing and saw a tall, bleach blonde haired woman. She had orange skin which was clearly developed from too much fake tan and a dress so short she was practically showing her knickers. To be honest, I would have thought Kayden had better taste than to pick a Barbie. She started walking over smiling smugly.

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