Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday thr Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.

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HI! How is everyone doing?? I'm good. well here is the next chapter!!! Enjoy!!!(: p.s Sorry it took so long to post. I have been super busy!...and I have also been very lazy soo sorry again!!*


I sighed and walked over to the bed. The guys voices were fading into a background noise. I hate his guts. I thought when my family moved, since my parents are in the military, it would be over. He was part of my past and I wanted it stay that way. Unfortunately life hates us. My motto is "Life sucks, and then you die." I have never heard a saying so true in my life. I sighed again. This going to be a long night.

Erin's POV:

Their arguing was getting on my nerves. I lifted my head from my hands and looked at them. I groaned, "If ya'll are going to argue all afternoon, will you at least do it somewhere else. I want to get ready for the day." I said. They obviously didn't hear me because they didn't stop or even glance my way. Whatever. I thought. I stood up and walked around them. I went into my closet and got some of my stuff. I need a hot shower. I slipped out the door and walked down the hall to Kris and Corey's room. I knocked on their door. Seconds later, it opened to find a very hot looking Corey. His hair was slightly messy and it was hanging over his blue eyes. He was Kris's twin brother and they both are seriously hot. He stood about three inches taller then me.

He looked at me for a second before smiling. "What can I do for you?" He asked. "Well..I...uh...the...guys are uh...fighting...and I was wondering if I could take a shower" I said, blushing slightly. He chuckled, "Of course." He said stepping aside. I smiled and steped in. I had never been in their room before. It was black and blue. There were two beds and two of everything. They even had mini refridgerators. Hey wait! I didn't get one of those. I'll have to ask about that later. The room was beautiful...but messy. Clothes were everywhere. I smiled as I saw someone's underwear. Widy tightys. I chuckled. "Nice room." I said with a smirk. He smiled back, "Yea. The bathroom is right throught there." He said pointing to a door to the left of the room. I started walking towards it and when I got to the I paused. "Hey Corey. Thanks." I said. He chuckled, "Any time, kid." He said back. I rolled my eyes and closed the bathroom door and locked it. I turned on the hot water and then stripped out of my clothes. I stepped into the shower and I felt my hands and feet going suddenly numb from the sudden heat. I relaxed into it and just stood their while my skin turned red.

The shower turned slightly cooler after a while and I quickly washed my body and hair. I stepped out of the tub and shivered at the coolness of the air. I dryed myself then put on some loose fitting jeans and a black v-neck shirt. I brushed my hair, planning on letting it air dry. I applied base, eyeliner and mascara, making my eyes pop. Satisfied with my looks, I grabbed my dirty closes and unlocked the door. Music was playing and I made out the words of 'I Will Not Bow' by Breaking Benjamin.(A/N: I love that song!!!)

I absentmindedly stared singing along to it. I found Corey laying on his bed looking through some sports magazine. He looked up as I approached. "Thanks again. I owe you one." I said smiling. I was in a much better mood now. He winked, "I'll collect it when I need it." He said. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Well, I'll see ya around." I said as I walked to the door. "See you." He said. I opened the door and closed it gingerly behind me. That went a lot better then I thouht it would. Ugh. But now I have to go back to my room. They better not still be fighting or I swear. I got to my door. Silence. I sighed in relief and peeked my head in the door. All clear. I smiled. Thank goodness. I walked in and closed my door behind me. I threw my clothes in a hamper and then sat down on my bed. Gosh I'm bored. Blah. Blah. Blah. Bored. I thought. (A/N: Lol. I do that if i get bored sometimes but I say it out loud. Yeah...People worry. haha)

My stomach growled and I laughed to myself. I hopped up and left my room, heading towards the kitchen. I wasn't thinking of anything specific, just about what I was hungry for....hmm. chicken sounds good...or a grilled cheese.....hmm or...or..awe forget it. I mumbled to myself. Geez I'm weird I thought with a smile. Oh no. I only get this bored attitude if I'm about to be hyper. Great just what I need. And if your wondering, yes I do talk to myself ALL the time! OH! I know what I want now! Double chocolate icecream with cookie dough!!!!! YUMMY! (a/n: I dont know if that is a real flavor but it sounds really good!!) That put a little pep in my step and I was in the kitchen walking towards the freezer. My smile grew larger as I saw the gallon tub of icecream in there. I pulled it out and grabbed a spoon, planning on just eatting it out of the tub. I wresled the lid off and then got a big bite.

Kidapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora