Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.(3)

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(Okay. Here is part 3!!! Thanks everyone who has supported me and this story. It means a lot to me!! You guys are awesome don't know what I would do without ya'll!!! So read, comment and enjoy! Btw: I need to know what ya'lls opinion is on this story so far. So when you get a chance please comment and tell me!! Thanks a million!!)

Recap: Then he whispered into my ear, "Told you we would meet soon, Love." I was about to scream when he placed a hand over my mouth. "Shhh, you wouldn't want someone coming out here to help you, because they would have to die if they tried to stop me from taking you. I always get what I want. Always." He began to kiss my neck and then I blacked out.

Erin's P.O.V (still)

Pain coursed through my body as I tried to sit up but it was so aweful, I finally gave up and crashed to the pillows below me. I was looking around the room and noticed the walls were green with grey strips. I was confused. My room is purple. Not green. My eyes widened as the night before came crashing down on me. I was so overwhelmed that I ignored the pain that rocketed through my body as I moved my hand to my neck. There was a bandage and my breathing stared getting faster and faster. I was so scared. I suddenly heard foot steps coming down the hallway. I through myself back down and closed my eyes. Whoever was coming in here, I didn't want them to know I was awake yet. My heart was beating so hard against my chest, that thought it was going to burst out of my chest. I heard the door to the room I was in open and close. I was aware there was somebody in here with me. I could feel their gaze on my face. I wanted to shutter but I knew it would give me away, so I just laid there breathing deeply.

I heard the person sigh then quietly leave the room. The door shut behind them and I counted my breaths til I got to one-hundred. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was alone. I let out a sigh of relief and sat up again, ignoring my pain. I had to get out of here, but how! I looked around the room until I saw a window that I hadn't noticed before. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains. My jaw dropped when I saw how far down. Feeling light headed I went and walked over to the bed. I was looking at the floor when I saw bare skin. WAIT! WHAT?? BARE SKIN. Not just any bare skin, MY BARE SKIN. I looked down and saw I just had on my lacey bra and underwear. I knew it was a horrible day to wear lace. Gawd I'm so stupid. No. This isn't my fault. Its these stupid people that have me! I had to find some clothes..and fast before they come back. I studied the room again and saw another door. I walked to the door and opened it a crack and peaked into it. It was a closet, a huge one at that. Thank goodness! I walked in a just grabbed random stuff. When I had it all on, I looked at myself in the mirror. Hmm. I didn't look that bad but the shirt was a little baggy and my hair was kinda tangled. I just threw it up into a messy pony tail.

Now it was time for my escape. I walked out of the massive closet and just stared at the door nerviously. What could be on the other side of it? How far away is the front door? What if I get caught? I gulped down my worries, worst things would probably happen to me I stayed here. I let a breath and slowly started walking to the door. I grabbed the cold handle and opened it a smidge. I saw nothing. I opened the door and looked down the hallway. I walked out my eyes peeled for any type of movement and quietly closed my door behind me. I didn't know which way to go but my gut told me left. I was coming to a corner when I heard voices. I ran to the closest door I could and locked it. I turned around and saw it was a bathroom. Good. It could be worst, I could have ended up in a bedroom. I remember about the voices and put my ear to the door. "She isn't awake yet." Said a guy. "She should be awake any minute. She's been out for 2 days," said a second voice. I gasped. Had I really been out that long? Like answering my question, I realized I had to go to the bathroom really badly. I put my ear back to the door but all I heard was silence. I ran over to the toilet. Much better.

Before I left the bathroom I peaked out the door at the hallway. Empty. I ran to the corner which I stopped again and checked the hallway. Hey, maybe escaping wouldn't be so hard, I thought. "What are you doing out of your room, Erin." I froze as I heard my name and slowly turned around. A boy with blonde hair, and sky blue eyes was looking at me. He smiled at my expression, which prolly looked similar to a little kid getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I started backing up and turned to run when I ran into the same guy or at least I thought I did. I about fell backwards but he caught my wrists before I hit the ground. Sooner then he grabbed my wrists, he let go. He started to chuckle as I did a double take between him and the other guy. "Twins," they said at the same time. I started to nervously back up into the wall. They looked at each other and smiled. They both started walking towards me, trapping me into a little box. "W-w-who are you guys?" They laughed. Then the one on the left spoke, "Looky here, Kris. She's scared." "Very scared at that, Corey." Said the one who's name is Kris. "What do you want?" I said suprising myself with a strong voice. "Well, I wanted to take you back to my room," my eyes got wide as Kris said this, "but Sam would cut my head off if I touched you sense you are supposed to be his." "And boy did he get a catch." said Corey. "Well, he can't say nothing if one of us has to escort her back to her room." Kris said. "That he can't."

I didn't think they were serious but I guess they were since one of them picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled. He put a put me down just to pick me up wedding style and clamp a hand over my mouth. It was really hard for me to breath under his huger hand. He noticed my struggle and said, "If I take my hand off, do you promise to keep quiet?" I didn't have a choice so I just nodded. He took his hand off and I took a deep breath. We walked for a few seconds more and I was dreading what he was planning to do to me. We walked through my door and a boy, who I recognized immediately as Ray, the guy who kidnapped me. I glared at him but he didn't seem to notice me but the guy carrying me. "Kris? What the Hell. I told you she is mine!" "Sorry Bro but she wandered past Corey and I's room and well. She's freaking smoking, dude. Can you blame me?" Ray looked at me and sighed, "I guess not but you cant have her til I'm done,okay." Kris started to smile, "So I can have her next? Sweet!" He finally put me down. "It's about time." I wanted to slap him in the face but thought better of it. He left the room smiling.

I sighed and turned around to face Ray. He was looking at me curiosly. "What are you looking at?" I hissed. He just smiled darkly, then he was inches from my face. He seemed to get the reaction he wanted because he stepped back and started looking me up and down. He seemed to like what he saw, he wanted me really bad. His eyes were turning into a lustful gaze. I took a step back and he did the opposite by taking a step forward. This was not going to end well.

(Thanks for reading Chapter 3. I know there isn't 10 votes but 6 is close enough I guess. Haha. Sorry this is kinda a short chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think of the story so far. Thanks again. <3 Saja95)

Kidapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.Where stories live. Discover now