What happened?

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Lin's POV

"So, Phillipa and Lin, how are you guys?" The interviewer asked.

I cleared my throat, "fine I guess."

"Hmm, did you know that a fan caught a picture of you kissing?"

Phillipa chuckled, "They pictured us on the show?"

"No, they caught you kissing in the dressing room. Does someone wants to explain?" The interviewer asked.

Both me and Phillipa are bright red, and tried our best to think of an

"Lin and Vanessa were having problems, and Vanessa approached me. But now, everything's back to normal, Lin and Vanessa are back on." Phillipa's words sting me silently.

How did she know that I'm
Back with Vanessa?

I felt a pang of guilt rise up to my throat, but the interviewer just shrugged and asked us the next question until the interview was over for us.



As soon as the interview was over, a flash of nausea went over to me and I ran for the closest bathroom.

I kept on vomiting, these past days. I'm always dizzy, but that doesn't stop me from being Eliza.

I also missed my period, but who cares, how can I focus on singing if my stomach just wants me to barf on the audience?

Ignored the whispers and the looks. Until someone on my phone called me, "Hello?" I said before puke comes up and spits down on the toilet.

"Pippa I love you I'm- are you alright? Phillipa tell-" I ended the call.

I didn't want to hear his voice again.

Not again.

My phone lit back on,




I get scared as I saw Pippa running to the bathroom. What's happening?

The rest of Pippa and Lin's interview was dark. Pippa didn't look at Lin, and when she did, she looked as if she wanted revenge.

Pippa wasn't alright, she was always cheerful, especially around Lin, what happened?

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Well, probably for you guys when you read this-or maybe it's Nov. 1.

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