Curious Kitty's Curiosity

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New chapter, that was completely written by my Bro, DiscordedGirl! Enjoy! :3 I didn't tell her it was third person point of view, so this will probably be the only chapter that is like this! Well, maybe! I don't know! Enjoy!


My name, formally before Alice found me… I find it hard to remember, I usually get bits and pieces of my past, like a puzzle.

Alice calls me Curious Kitty, she says it fits me, so is it wrong to wonder who I was before my bubblegum pink hair, and cotton candy blue ends. What did I look like before this? Who was I in the beginning? I wanted answers to my questions; they belonged together like a couple. My only chance of finding these answers was asking the murderess herself, who quite frankly, hid a lot of things from me until the very end, but I was still honored to work by her side.

She only allowed the best of the best around her so often, her favorite being Laughing Jack.

At this current, time 2:16 in the afternoon, date October 17, 2013, reason to find out about my past and with not much objective in mind I was walking up the steps.

“Alice,” I called out into the suffocating darkness that remained inside, careful not to sing it in a sing-song voice. I had become accustomed to using a nonchalant voice all the time, always so calm, so put together, yet occasionally I lost it.

“Yes Curious Kitty, what resides on your curious mind today?” Alice asked as she appeared next to me with Laughing Jack and Jeff… I can’t look at him, he disturbs me, and his past was so unusual. That was a gift of mine, besides my siren music, I could see into someone’s past when I come in contact with them, except for my own, and Alice’s past.

“Tell me who I am…”

“Why you're Harlie, Curious Kitty, don’t be ridiculous.”

“I mean before that, before I was this.” I said as I turned to her, gesturing to myself, Jeff and Jack tensing up just the slightest. I could even see Alice’s smile falter just the slightest, before she took a deep breath and rubbed her temples.

“Oh dearie, dear, I expected this day to come, but your story is so long. You were so pathetic when I found you, so helpless.”

“I want to know.” Was all I said, and it was all I took before she solemnly nodded, as she sat down in a chair that Laughing Jack had moved behind her, Jeff sitting me in a chair across from her.

I flinched away at his touch, and sat down on my own as the two walked to Alice’s side, Laughing Jack on the right, and Jeff on the left. “Right then, let’s start with your name, you were first known as Shirah Kings-" I cut her off, as my head snapped up from staring at my hands.

“Shirah, that is a Hebrew name, no?”

“Yes, it stands for song, but I am sure your Curious self knows of this.” Alice said with a small smile, as I nodded.

“Well, you lived in Moonlight Forest, Georgia with an abusive father and a drunken mother. Though it was hard to get that out of you, you never told me anything when I first met you. You didn’t care much for them, but you had a little sister. I remember you telling me she was put into an orphanage, and beyond that I don’t know, but I do know that you loved her dearly.”

“But you never sacrificed me.” I said, knowing that beyond any of my personal life was beyond her knowledge. “No, no I never did. You drove yourself into insanity with which you are and I simply took you under my wing as a sacrifice.”

“Is that it?”

“I suppose, but for the rest, I cannot tell you beyond this, you shall find out in due time.” She said putting an innocent smile on her face as she tilted her head.


Who was I?

How much longer, how many times would I have to repeat this question?

I was not her sacrifice, but nor was I his possession, so who was I?

I was not Alice’s sacrifice, but I was her puppet. I was loyal to her like a dog to its owner.

I was not his possession despite his obsession with me, why was he controlling me?

I lay on my bed, these questions rolled around, hopscotch, jumping around my head. I could not answer these for myself, I was so strange, and even I could not answer my daily questions. I knew a few things about myself, a few simple things that Alice would occasionally tell me, or that I would stumble upon.

She told me one day, my name, who I was, but not much. I try to forget those unimportant, insignificant details. I knew me, myself, and I, I was the embodiment of the seven deadly sins, maybe more. I knew very little of the seven deadly sins. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride. Alice said I reminded her much of the sin Wrath, mostly because of my hair, my pink hair, what was wrong with my hair.

I would imagine Lust being something that pink would remind someone of, but oh no, from my research Lust is linked to the color blue. Yet my relationship with someone, she says its Lust not from me, but from them. She often laughs at my confusion with the world puzzles. Who am I? For now… I am Harlie. I am Harlie the Siren, Harlie the Death bringer, Harlie the Banshee, Harlie the Screecher, Harlie… The embodiment of the seven deadly sins.

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