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Hoseok hummed a tune as he walked to his job. He was kicking leaves as he walked, a small smile on his face. Autumn was his favourite season. The warm colours,oversized jumpers and the crunch of the leaves made him feel pleased.
The dancer unlocked the glass doors of the coffee shop and entered,ready to start a new day.

He put on his beige coloured apron and began to make himself a mug of coffee. The perk of having this job was getting as many free coffees as he wanted, with the approval of the boss,obviously.

The café was a really beautiful place. It gave you the feeling of warmth and happiness. There were sofas with throw overs and orange cushions, paintings of beautiful scenery, dim lights and fairy lights, brown rugs and a few bookshelves. Customers come in for alone time and time to socialise.

Business was always good at the coffee shop. Since it was in the heart of the city it attracted a lot of customers. You had the businessmen and women early in the morning, the mothers and elderly at midday and the rest of the day is busy with rowdy teenagers,college students and workers who wanted a dose of caffeine to get on with the day.

Hoseok loved working in the cozy café. He was a very outgoing person,always being chatty and the first to initiate conversation with his customers who were willing to answer. The whole atmosphere was a lively one and Hoseok adored it.

No one had come into the café yet so he sat at the till and pulled out the book he was reading (the Great Gatsby) and began immersing himself in the wonderful world all inside a page.


The day went by in a blur. Soon it was six pm and Hoseok was exhausted. Serving people was indeed fun and made you feel a buzz but it was draining.

"Hoseok I'm taking my break now!" Hoseok's co worker and best friend, Jimin shouted from across the room.

Hoseok nodded and waved him goodbye. Him and Jimin went to the same dance school. They have known each other for three years and their friendship was wonderful. Hoseok loved him like a brother and vice versa. They have supported each other through every little stumble through life and it had been great.

The café became quieter; only a couple of students chatting amongst themselves and two lovers sitting across from each other.

Hoseok wiped down some tables and brought all the dirty dishes to the dishwasher. He loaded them in and out in the tablet just as he heard the door open. He walked back to the till where he was greeted by (holy shit) an extremely handsome boy. He had black hair which contrasted his slightly pale skin. His facial features were simply so beautiful; a wide nose, small eyes and nice lips.

Hoseok sucked in his breath and slowly let it out,putting a radiant smile on his face.

"Hello! How can I help you?"

"Can I have a latte for here please?"

"Sure! That'll be 4000 won when you're ready," Hoseok spoke as he started to get the mug ready.

The boy slid the money to Hoseok who put it into the cash register and took out his change. While giving him the change, Hoseok touched his hand by accident which made him shiver. The boy put half the change into the tip box and he winked fucking winked at Hoseok before going to sit down near a window.

Hoseok was going to scream. Why was he so awkward oh god. He had to bite his lip and calm his reddening cheeks before going to make the damned latte without burning himself.

Coffee Cup; myg+jhs Where stories live. Discover now