When pigs fly....

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Uhg... It was 4 am and all i could think about was the wrinkly old bitch that had been mean to the hot girls. IT had really pissed me off that she had grabbed him like that!

Know what pissed me off more?

The fact that i couldnt stop think about it! why the hell should i care? I hate kids!

By 5 in the morning i had had enough tossing and turning.

I pulled on my sweats and grabbed a lighter from my kitchen table.

The stretch of hall between my door and the door leading out to the strete seemed like forever as i walked on teh cold cracked lanolium.

" Come on baby" I looked over to see Daisy holding a sleepy kid.

" I dont watch no whores kids!" I heard that awful scratchy voice from that bitch named Pat screech down the staires.

" Well your an old bat!" Daisy yelled right back. TEars came from her pretty eyes.

" A little early to have him out isnt it?" i pulled my hoodie tighter around me.

" I have to work" she sniffed and fumbled with the lock of her apartment door.

" but pat wont watch him anymore..." i looked up the staires to were the old hag stood glaring.

" so i get fired" she sniffed again." and we dont get to eat for a few days until i can find another person to watch him while i work"

I watched her walk into her room and i heard the sound of a lock click.

I thought about it good and hard as i sat smoking on the front steps.

Would she really not get to eat? And what about the kid? I mean he was little, isnt going to be hard to tell him he cant have food because theres no money?

So i stomped out my cig and marched up the steps.

I stood tall and knocked on her door.

They say the way to a mothers pants is through her kids right?

So thats what i was going to do! play nice with the kid and have access to that sexy jailbait ass of hers.

" what?" Daisy appeard through the crack of her door.

" give me his shit" i sighed. " ill watch him."

" uh, why?" she looked shocked.

" I have nothing better to do" i lied. Some how i didnt think saying " i wanna shag you" would go over so well.

" um sure uh, she opend teh door more and motioned me in.

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