Chapter 11

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Fear envelops me, stronger than anything I'd ever felt before. The water rushes around me, pulls me down. My arms and legs spasm uncontrollably as I try to stay above the surface. Water fills my mouth and I choke; I kick upwards and snatch a couple more breaths. My heart races. Adrenalin pumps. Fear tears at my ribcage. My mind goes absolutely blank with terror as the edge of the waterfall approaches. Then suddenly the rapids end and I'm dragged over the edge, falling, with water in every direction. My stomach twists. I can't find any air. The rocks rush towards me.

I sit up screaming. I grip the cold metal of the chair, my hands slippery with sweat.
"It's okay, you're safe!" Tobias half yells, hurriedly removing the cables from my shaking arms.
Leftover adrenalin simmers in my veins as I breathe hard, slamming air in and out of my lungs.
Finally I see Shae, standing by her chair, arms folded and not looking at me. The knots in my stomach turn to pure, hot anger.
"You bitch!" I scream. "You fucking bitch!" Shae steps back in surprise as I leap off of the chair and come at her. "You let the rope go! You let me go over that fucking waterfall. I thought we were supposed to help each other!"
Shae's surprise turns to anger.
"You can't talk about helping each other!" She retaliates. "You left me to get beaten by those shadowhunters. You ran the fuck away!"
Rage burns through my blood. My fingers itch as my mind races for something else to say, but it's gone blank with anger. So instead, my clenched fist connects with her face. The action was quick and satisfying. Shae stumbles back, holding a hand to her reddened cheek. She looks up at me with surprise.
"You hit me." She says in disbelief. After a few seconds, she's on top of me - we fall to the ground. Pain erupts in my face as she punches me in the jaw a few times. I struggle to get my leg free, then knee her in the stomach. She cries out and falls away. I take my chance and kick her in the side. She yells again and then punches me in the stomach. I cry out in pain.
Before I can retaliate, Tobias appears and tears us apart, pulling us to our feet.
"Enough! Both of you can get the hell out of here before you break my equipment."
With tears in my eyes I run for the door, not wanting to have to even look at Shae. So much anger and hate and sadness denotes her now. Too much. I run, through the Academy halls. The halls that used to bring me so much joy, that now only remind me of hate. Of her. Finally I reach John's office and begin banging on the door, tears streaming and body shaking.

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